Traduzione per "reasonable thing" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
He testified he married my client because it was the reasonable thing to do.
El testifico que se caso con mi cliente por que le parecia una cosa razonable de hacer.
After a single meeting, it's not a reasonable thing to ask.
Después de una sola reunión, No es una cosa razonable preguntar.
It had been three days since Erica questioned my mom's entire reason for being, so Beverly Goldberg did the only reasonable thing she could think of.
Habían pasado tres días desde que Erica cuestionó por completo la razón de ser de mamá, así que Beverly Golberg hizo la única cosa razonable que se le ocurrió.
It's the only reasonable thing to do.
Es la única cosa razonable para hacerlo.
Martin had nodded, it seeming the only reasonable thing to do in a wholly unreasonable, indeed surreal, situation.
Martin había asentido porque eso parecía la única cosa razonable que hacer en una situación completamente irracional, y de hecho casi surrealista.
It's the reasonable thing to do.
Era lo razonable.
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