Traduzione per "rather rude" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Well, honestly, that's rather rude.
Bueno, honestamente, eso es bastante grosero.
Apparently you can see "more discipline in a Romanian brothel", which I think is rather rude.
Al parecer puedes ver "más disciplina en un burdel rumano", lo que creo que es bastante grosero.
God has spoken to me... rather rudely.
Dios me ha hablado... bastante grosero.
They seemed rather rude, to me.
Me parecieron bastante groseros, a mí.
I was rather rude to you.
Fui bastante grosera con usted.
If there is no attitude people are rather rude.
Si no hay una actitud las personas son bastante grosero.
I’m afraid I was rather rude.’
Me temo que fui bastante grosera.
She thought his behavior was rather rude.
Su conducta era bastante grosera.
It's . well, I suppose it could be considered rather rude."
Es… bueno, creo que podría considerarse bastante grosera.
His secretary informed me, rather rudely, that he was in a meeting, and that was fine with me.
Su secretaria me comunicó en tono bastante grosero que estaba reunido, lo que me pareció muy bien.
He rounded off by demanding, rather rudely, ‘Have you ever seen a man fresh dead?’
Concluyó preguntando con tono bastante grosero—: ¿Y usted, alguna vez ha visto a un hombre recién muerto?
"That's a rather rude thing to say, Saxony, considering who I am and how much I have at stake in this matter, wouldn't you say?
—Eso que dices es bastante grosero, Saxony, teniendo en cuenta quién soy yo y el gran interés que tengo por este asunto, ¿no crees?
This was a rather rude question, and one to which Balfour already knew the answer, for there were only three churches in Hokitika at that time.
Era una pregunta bastante grosera cuya respuesta Balfour ya conocía, pues por aquella época solo había tres iglesias en Hokitika.
it might have seemed deferential, when the interruption had been sudden and rather rude. “We looked each other in the face, and I was more startled than ever.
Podría haber parecido una actitud deferente, cuando la interrupción había sido inesperada y bastante grosera.»Nos miramos a la cara, y yo me quedé más sorprendido que nunca.
There was an interview on Radio Botswana, in which she thought she was rather rudely pressed to reveal her qualifications, and a rather more satisfactory article in The Botswana News, which drew attention to the fact that she was the only lady private detective in the country.
Concedió una entrevista a Radio Botsuana, en la que sintió que la presionaban de modo bastante grosero para que demostrara sus aptitudes. Y apareció un artículo sin duda más satisfactorio en The Botswana News, que subrayaba que era la única detective privada del país.
He was rather rude, in fact.
Lo cierto es que fue más bien grosero.
The duchess snorted, which was really rather rude of her.
La duquesa dejó escapar una risa ahogada, lo cual fue francamente grosero por su parte.
I’ve heard Johnny rather rudely refer to the Afrikaans nerd Dawn dates, and some other names I won’t repeat.
Oí a Johnny referirse a él de una forma un tanto grosera, como el empollón afrikaans que sale con Dawn, y otros nombres que no repetiré.
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