Traduzione per "rapidly as" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
These investigations are proceeding rapidly.
Esas investigaciones están avanzando rápidamente.
For substances rapidly degradable:
Para sustancias rápidamente degradables:
Mongolia is urbanizing rapidly.
Mongolia se está urbanizando rápidamente.
The situation was evolving rapidly.
La situación evoluciona rápidamente.
Rapidly degradable substances
Sustancias que se degradan rápidamente
(a) It is expanding rapidly.
a) Se está extendiendo rápidamente.
Tourism is rapidly diversifying.
El turismo se está diversificando rápidamente.
The population is ageing rapidly.
3. La población está envejeciendo rápidamente.
Can't you see their minds change as rapidly as night and day?
¿No pueden ver que sus mentes cambian tan rápidamente como la noche y el día? .
And comic books were still very much a part of my life, I mean, which was in physical terms was changing quite rapidly, as it would for anybody at that age.
Los comic books eran una buena parte de mi vida, que, desde el punto de vista físico, estaba cambiando rápidamente, como le ocurre a cualquiera a esa edad.
And when the day comes when we can prepare it as rapidly as Derma 25...
El día que podamos prepararlo tan rápidamente como el Derma-25... ¡Dame tu brazo!
Any man who resorts to murder as eagerly and as rapidly as you must be suspect.
Cualquier hombre que recurre al asesinato con tal ansiedad y tan rápidamente como tú debe ser sospechoso.
And when we flushed his system, his body continued to produce cortisol as rapidly as we could get rid of it.
Y cuando vaciamos su sistema, su cuerpo continuó produciendo cortisol tan rápidamente como nos deshacíamos de él.
The purpose of cows' milk is to turn a 65-pound calf into a 200 kilo cow as rapidly as possible.
El propósito de la leche de vaca es convertir un becerro de 65 libras en una vaca de 200 kilo tan rápidamente como sea posible.
So, what has happened is that the educational systems have not changed as rapidly as the rest of society has.
Entonces, lo que ha pasado es que los sistemas educativos no han cambiado tan rápidamente como el resto de la sociedad.
It approached rapidly.
Se acercaba rápidamente.
They winked rapidly.
Parpadearon rápidamente—.
As rapidly as possible.
—Tan rápidamente como sea posible.
They improve rapidly;
La mejoría sobreviene rápidamente;
She worked rapidly.
—Trabajaba rápidamente—.
Heads nodded rapidly.
Asintieron rápidamente.
He blinked, rapidly.
Él parpadeó rápidamente.
He was considering rapidly.
Estaba pensando rápidamente.
Evacuate as rapidly as possible as soon as we open the hatch.
Prepárense a evacuar lo más rápidamente posible ni bien abramos la compuerta.
By my reckoning, we ought to be about the business as rapidly as possible.
Según mis cálculos, debemos ser sobre el negocio lo más rápidamente posible.
Frozen organs decompose more rapidly as they thaw.
Órganos congelados se descomponen más rápidamente a medida que se descongelen.
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