Traduzione per "quite honest" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Certainly up until now this is an area which has been hedged about with a lot of rules and regulations and, to be quite honest, when I first looked at this market I thought to myself,
Ciertamente hasta ahora esta ha sido un área que ha estado cubierta con un montón de reglas y regulaciones y, para ser bastante honesto, cuando miré por primera vez hacia este mercado pensé para mí mismo,
Parker's been quite honest.
Parker ha sido bastante honesto.
Well, to be quite honest, we don't know yet how fast DNA, er, takes to degenerate.
Bueno, para ser bastante honesto, no sabemos aún como de rápido el ADN, puede degenerar.
But to be quite honest, the thought didn't occur to me at that time.
Pero para ser bastante honesto, esto no se me ocurrio en aquel momento
I was quite honest about my intentions.
Fui bastante honesto sobre mis intenciones.
Oh I know, Mr. Holmes, and to be quite honest with you I'm surprised you came. The case is as plain as a flag staff and the more I get into it the plainer than it comes.
Oh, lo sè, Sr. Holmes y para ser bastante honesto con usted me sorprendiò que haya venido el caso es tan simple como un palo de bandera y a medida que avanzo, mas simple se parece por eso le advertí a la Srta. Turner, que esta vez ni el mismo Sr. Sherlock Holmes podrà hacer milagros.
Although you are poor, you are quite honest
A pesar de que eres pobre, eres bastante honesto.
The truth is, we haven’t been quite honest with you.
La verdad es que no hemos sido demasiado honestos con usted.
Well, I did, to be quite honest.
Well, I did, to be quite honest.
It’s immortality I’m after, to be quite honest.”
It’s immortality I’m after, to be quite honest.”
I think the problem, to be quite honest with you, is that you've never actually known what the question is."
I think the problem, to be quite honest with you, is that you've never actually known what the question is."
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