Traduzione per "putting on weight" a spagnolo
Putting on weight
Esempi di traduzione.
She became depressed and put on weight.
Entró en una depresión y aumentó de peso.
If you don't put on weight, the wind will be your fate.
Si no aumentas de peso, el viento será tu destino.
He put on weight visibly.
Comía muchísimo y aumentó de peso visiblemente.
I'll watch you put on weight." "Thanks.
Iré viniendo para ver cómo aumentas de peso. —Gracias.
I have put on weight since I came and get no more Catarrh, perhaps it is the softer Climate that suits me, but I think that is not it.
Desde que vine aumenté de peso y ya no tengo catarro; quizás es el clima, más suave, que me sienta bien, pero yo creo que no se trata de eso.
When he asks if she puts on weight after her period, she says she does, more than a dozen pounds, and seems to think that information may help him to arrive at a correct diagnosis.
¿Aumenta de peso tras la regla? Mucho, incluso media docena de kilos, responde visiblemente contenta de que ese dato contribuya a acercarse al diagnóstico.
“Put some in water and you’ll see it disappear.” If a chemist’s scales showed that she had put on weight, it was because the scales were wrong or because she had moved while she was on them or because she had kept her hat on.
«Échalo en el agua y verás como desaparece.» Si una báscula de farmacia reflejaba un aumento de peso, lo achacaba a un error de la báscula o a que se había movido demasiado en ella o a que no se había quitado el sombrero.
For his part, Pacho put on the clothes he had been wearing the day of the kidnapping—these were too tight, since a sedentary life and bad food had made him put on weight—and sat down to listen to the news and smoke one cigarette after the other.
Pacho, por su parte, se puso la ropa que llevaba el día del secuestro -que le quedaba estrecha por el aumento de peso del sedentarismo y la mala comida-, y se sentó a oír las noticias y a ñamar, encendiendo un cigarrillo con la colilla del otro.
I imagine you’ve already started putting on weight?’
Supongo que ya habrá empezado a engordar, ¿no?
She—yes, she did seem, if anything, to be putting on weight.
Sí, si en algo cambió, fue en que pareció engordar un poco.
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