Traduzione per "pump it" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
A drainage and collection system for leachate must be installed within the landfill that will allow leachate to be pumped to the surface for treatment prior to discharge to water systems.
En el vertedero se debe instalar un sistema de drenaje y recolección del lixiviado que permita bombearlo a la superficie para su tratamiento antes de descargarlo en las aguas.
And pump it up to settling tanks and aeration tanks.
Y luego bombearlo a depósitos de sedimentación y de aireación.
"You have to pump it," Ofelia said as she paid.
—Tienes que bombearlo —explicó Ofelia mientras pagaba.
A human heart could pump it, but just barely.
Un corazón humano podría bombearla, pero a duras penas.
Katrine could feel her blood pumping round faster.
—Katrine notó que la sangre empezaba a bombearle más rápido.
His foot jumped automatically to the brake pedal and started pumping it.
Su pie se lanzó automáticamente al pedal del freno y comenzó a bombearlo.
He said to Joseph, "It's all surface oil; just pump it out. Maybe lakes of it.
—Todo es aceite de superficie; basta bombearlo fuera. Hay quizá lagos enteros.
He put his hand out, and Stilison seized it in both of his and began to pump it up and down.
Estiró la mano y Stillson la cogió entre las suyas y empezó a bombearla de arriba abajo.
They were going to put tubes up her father’s nose and pump his stomach on the way to the hospital.
Iban a poner tubos por la nariz de su padre y bombearle el estómago de camino al hospital.
Khiron knelt over the petitioner, pulled away the slippery wreaths of sea-ribbon, and began to pump his chest.
Khiron se arrodilló junto al aspirante, apartó las resbaladizas algas y empezó a bombearle el pecho.
I struggled to get up and mount her, so I could jab my pene in and pump it at least once before it exploded.
Luché por incorporarme y montarla, para poder penetrarla con mí pene y bombearla, al menos una vez antes de que explotara.
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