Traduzione per "pull himself" a spagnolo
Pull himself
Esempi di traduzione.
He caught a chain and tried to pull himself up.
No lo consiguió, pero sí atrapó una cadena y trató de izarse.
He was able to pull himself out, with difficulty, and collapsed onto the surface.
Pudo izarse a la superficie, con dificultades, y allí se derrumbó.
Then it was easy enough to stand on the beam's broad top and pull himself on to the ridge of the roof
Le resultó fácil ponerse de pie sobre el ancho travesaño e izarse hasta el alerón del tejado.
Then the realization crept over him that there was no way he would be able to pull himself up.
Al poco se fue dando cuenta de que le iba a ser totalmente imposible izarse hacia la viga.
But even if he couldn't find the courage, he'd never be able to pull himself up again with the mere strength of his arms, so ...
Pero aunque no se atreviera, a pulso tampoco podía izarse, conque...
Clary shouted as, not looking at her, Luke began to pull himself painfully into a kneeling position.
Chilló Clary mientras, sin mirarla, Luke empezaba a izarse penosamente para adoptar una posición arrodillada.
As she watched how effortlessly he pulled himself through the opening, a rush of desire swept through her.
Viéndole izarse a través de la abertura sin esfuerzo aparente, Sugar Beth sintió una oleada de deseo.
he had to pull himself up, off his feet, with both his hands gripping the flimsy plywood.
para encaramarse, tuvo que agarrarse con ambas manos al endeble tablero de contrachapado e izarse, despegando los pies del suelo.
Stretching to grab the mooring line in order to pull himself to the dock, he suddenly heard a sharp click directly above him and he froze still in the water.
Se estiró para agarrar la cuerda de amarre e izarse hasta el muelle, pero de repente oyó un chasquido sobre su cabeza y se quedó petrificado en el agua.
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