Traduzione per "praise him" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
The purpose of the enlargement is not to argue for him, certainly not to praise him.
El propósito de la ampliación no es argüir en su favor, ni tampoco para alabarlo.
The fishermen stopped teasing him and began to praise him instead.
Los pescadores dejaron de tomarle el pelo y empezaron a alabarle.
His emotions welled up as he heard the old cop speak his name and praise him.
Se le agolparon las emociones al oír al viejo mencionar su nombre y alabarle.
and even so, to tell him would be to praise him, since he had produced this wild effect in him.
aun así, decírselo sería alabarle, puesto que había causado tan tremendo efecto en él.
At their highest these seem simply to praise Him for being, as He is, and for making what He has made, as He has made it.
En su punto más elevado, éstos parecen alabarlo por ser como es, y por hacer lo que ha hecho tal como lo ha hecho».
However, she had heard her father praise him for his loyalty, and for that she was appreciative. “Mr. Bullard,”
Sin embargo, Evie había oído a su padre alabarlo por su lealtad, y lo apreciaba por ello. —Señor Bullard —dijo—.
He also founded a major university, Aligarh Muslim University, for Muslim elites, and it became the benchmark for vilifying as well as praising him.
También fundó una importante universidad destinada a las élites musulmanas, la Universidad Musulmana de Aligarh, y esta se convirtió en el punto de referencia tanto para vilipendiarlo como para alabarlo.
The witch praised him and the children of the village began to fear him, and he himself was sure that very soon he would become great among men.
La bruja no se cansaba de alabarlo, y mientras los niños de la aldea empezaban a tenerle miedo, él mismo se convencía de que muy pronto sería famoso entre los hombres.
They were shy enough, and awkward and apparently indifferent, but in a friendly way they were spying on him, equally ready to praise him as a neighbor or snicker at him as a fool.
Eran tímidos, toscos y en apariencia indiferentes, pero estaban inclinados a espiarle sin malicia alguna, igualmente dispuestos a alabarle como vecino que a burlarse de él si les parecía tonto.
I cometobery Caesar, not to praise him.
Vengo a sepultar a César, no a elogiarlo.
To paraphrase Shakespeare, I come to bury Jiba, not to praise him.
Parafraseando a Shakespeare, he venido a enterrar a Jiba, no a elogiarle.
He was not about to denigrate his father. Or praise him. Or even mention him.
No había acudido para denigrar a su padre, ni para elogiarle, ni siquiera para mencionarle.
Webs shoulders collapsed in obvious frustration, but Claire was quick to praise him.
Web bajó los hombros en un gesto de clara frustración, pero Claire se apresuró a elogiarlo.
If she wanted him to have spunk, why didn't she come and praise him and pet him?
Si Plaxy quería que demostrase valor, ¿por qué no venía a acariciarlo y elogiarlo?
But for once, I noticed, instead of admiring and praising him, he never stopped criticizing him for a moment.
Pero por una vez, noté, en lugar de admirarlo y elogiarlo, no cesaba un momento de criticarlo.
This, he knew, was courage, the truest, ultimate courage, because there was no one here to sympathize or praise him for it.
Aquello era valor, el verdadero valor, porque a su alrededor no había nadie para admirarle o elogiarle por ello.
I got the sense that his mother didn't praise him much, but he ate it up when she did.
Me dio la impresión de que su madre no solía elogiarlo a menudo, pero que, cuando lo hacía, Lucas lo recibía como el agua de mayo.
Lope asked. "If he is a traitor--I don't believe it, mind you, but if he is--won't he slander the King instead of praising him?"
—preguntó Lope—. Si fuese un traidor, cosa que os recuerdo que no creo que sea así, pero si lo fuese, ¿no difamará al Rey en lugar de elogiarle?
Still, praise him I must, and I was changing my little essay once again in my mind when I saw Evert coming across the quad towards my staircase.
A pesar de todo ello, yo debía elogiarlo y me disponía a modificar mentalmente, una vez más, mi breve discurso cuando vi que Evert atravesaba el patio hacia mi escalera.
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