Traduzione per "poor health" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Oh, Mr. Cobb, I spent a lifetime shackled by... frailty and poor health... wheelchairs and sick beds.
Sr. Cobb, ha sido toda una vida de lucha contra mi pobre salud. Con sillas de ruedas y lechos de enferma.
-Well... old age, poor health...
- Bueno... anciano, pobre salud...
Your poor health distresses me, don Alvaro.
Su pobre salud me aflige, don Álvaro.
What is it?… But his poor health didn’t seem to matter because he was never in himself.”
¿Qué es eso?… Pero su pobre salud no parecía preocuparle, porque nunca estuvo en sí mismo.
For more than three decades, the spiritual leader of the Great Synagogue had been the eminent Talmudic scholar and Kabbalist—Rabbi Yehuda Köves—who, despite his advancing years and poor health, remained an active member of the Jewish community both in Hungary and around the world.
Durante más de tres décadas, el líder espiritual de la Gran Sinagoga había sido el rabino Yehuda Köves, un eminente erudito talmúdico y cabalista que, a pesar de su avanzada edad y pobre salud, seguía siendo un miembro activo de la comunidad judía tanto en Hungría como en el resto del mundo.
Many had sores and showed obvious signs of poor health.
Muchos tenían llagas y presentaban signos de mala salud.
Poor health is a key impediment to human development.
13. La mala salud es un obstáculo clave para el desarrollo humano.
He was in very poor health and had passed away while staying in the camp.
Tenía muy mala salud y había fallecido durante su estancia en el campamento.
It is linked to low literacy, poor health and malnutrition.
Está vinculada con el analfabetismo, la mala salud y la malnutrición.
Malnutrition and poor health
Malnutrición y mala salud
Poor health produces weak people, both in mind and body.
La mala salud debilita a las personas mental y físicamente.
She was an 87-year-old woman in poor health.
Tenía 87 años y mala salud.
I hear you are of poor health.
He oído que tiene muy mala salud.
Freddy has suffered very poor health recently.
Freddy ha tenido muy mala salud últimamente.
But visions? Condition of her poor health is more likely the explanation.
Es probable que su mala salud sea la responsable.
- Was she in poor health? - She was.
- ¿Tenía mala salud?
"I'm in poor health for want of a strapping strong woman."
"Tengo mala salud y quiero una mujer robusta."
- Yes. He arrived in poor health, with frayed nerves.
Sí... llegó con mala salud, nervios exaltados.
Because your poor health gives you plumbing problems.
Porque tu mala salud te da problemas de tuberías.
Can I help it if Roy enjoys poor health?
¿Es mi culpa que Roy tenga mala salud?
Jake was in poor health.
Jake tenía mala salud
Poor health was a euphemism.
La mala salud era un eufemismo.
She’s enjoying poor health.”
Está disfrutando de mala salud».
‘Is your wife in poor health?’
—¿Su mujer tiene mala salud?
“My brother’s in poor health, sir;
—Mi hermano tiene mala salud, señor;
Beneath that: “GOD Wants You . . . Poor health?
Y debajo: «dios Te Necesita… ¿Mala salud?
He was tired, dissatisfied with himself, and in poor health.
Estaba cansado, insatisfecho de sí mismo y con mala salud.
She was in her mideighties now and in poor health.
Actualmente tendría ochenta y tantos años y mala salud.
Iris Young was sixty-two and in poor health.
Iris Young tenía sesenta y dos años y mala salud.
And no annoying children, no old people, nobody who's in poor health.
Y nada de niños fastidiosos, ni ancianos, ni gente que tenga mala salud.
Poor health and too many ants... the plagues of Brazil are!
¡Mucho comején y poca salud... los males del Brasil son!
The kid has poor health.
El niño goza de poca salud.
- He seems to be in poor health in your field! said the Maharatto.
—Parece que se goza de poca salud —dijo el maharata—.
All the Army wanted you for was cannon fodder. They even made riflemen out of men like himself, fathers, with poor health.
El ejército sólo necesitaba carne de cañón: convertían en fusileros hasta a hombres como él, padres de familia con poca salud.
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