Traduzione per "political writings" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
It is submitted by counsel that the Board, which had been given copies of his political writings, did not find the character of the author’s political involvement such that his fear of persecution was well-founded.
El abogado afirma que la Junta, a la que se facilitaron copias de los escritos políticos del autor, no consideró que la participación política del autor tuviera un carácter que justificara su temor a la persecución.
Further, it is stated that the Board did not find credible his assertions of continued political writing since arriving in Sweden.
Además, se declara que la Junta no consideraba creíble su afirmación de que continuaba produciendo escritos políticos desde su llegada a Suecia.
His years in exile, his political writings and limericks his mod period with the turtlenecks, his blue period and of course his ruthless march to power and the silencing of his rivals.
Sus años en el exilio, sus escritos políticos y sátiras. Su periodo con los cuellos altos, su periodo azul y su implacable escalada al poder pisoteando a sus rivales.
The great thing about political writing is clarity.
Lo más importante en un escrito político es la claridad.
it was a reference to Changs anticommunist political writings, which had caused the family so much pain in China – and necessitated the flight to America itself.
se refería a los escritos políticos de Chang de carácter anticomunista, que tantos problemas habían causado a su familia dentro de China y que les habían forzado a abandonar el país.
My father edited two or three short-lived literary reviews, translated German and French political writings and some poetry, and although he was in his late thirties at the time, managed to get to Spain, if not exactly into the war, with the Republicans in 1936.
Mi padre editó dos o tres revistas literarias de vida muy corta, tradujo escritos políticos alemanes y franceses y también algo de poesía; y, a pesar de que entonces frisaba ya en los cuarenta años, partió hacia España, si no exactamente a la guerra, sí con los republicanos en 1936.
it was a reference to Changs anticommunist political writings, which had caused the family so much pain in China – and necessitated the flight to America itself.
se refería a los escritos políticos de Chang de carácter anticomunista, que tantos problemas habían causado a su familia dentro de China y que les habían forzado a abandonar el país.
My father edited two or three short-lived literary reviews, translated German and French political writings and some poetry, and although he was in his late thirties at the time, managed to get to Spain, if not exactly into the war, with the Republicans in 1936.
Mi padre editó dos o tres revistas literarias de vida muy corta, tradujo escritos políticos alemanes y franceses y también algo de poesía; y, a pesar de que entonces frisaba ya en los cuarenta años, partió hacia España, si no exactamente a la guerra, sí con los republicanos en 1936.
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