Traduzione per "policy of apartheid" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
The policies of apartheid and practices of racial discrimination are alien to Tunisian society.
Las políticas de apartheid y las prácticas de discriminación racial son extrañas a la sociedad tunecina.
"Policies of apartheid of the Government of South Africa", 18 November 1992;
"Política de apartheid del Gobierno de Sudáfrica", 18 de noviembre de 1992;
38. Policies of apartheid of the Government of South Africa (P.38).
38. Política de apartheid del Gobierno de Sudáfrica (P.38).
Today the policy of apartheid has been overcome.
Hoy se ha superado la política de apartheid.
38 Policies of apartheid of the Government of South Africa
Política de apartheid del Gobierno de Sudáfrica
67. There is no policy of apartheid and no such practices in the Republic of Armenia.
67. No hay ninguna política de apartheid ni prácticas similares en la República de Armenia.
But above all, it systematically introduced the policy of apartheid in the country.
Pero, sobre todo, introdujo sistemáticamente la política del apartheid en el país.
146. The policy of apartheid in South Africa was unreservedly condemned by Pakistan.
146. La política de apartheid de Sudáfrica fue condenada sin reservas por el Pakistán.
‘I don’t agree with their native policy, this apartheid thing of theirs, it’s just financially unsound.”
—Pero no estoy de acuerdo con la política del apartheid. Desde el punto de vista financiero, no es conveniente.
‘My friends, there is one single ideal to which I cling with all my heart, and which I will defend with my very life, and that is that every African has a primary, inherent and inalienable right to the Africa which is his continent and his only motherland,’ Moses Gama began, and Tara listened, enchanted, as he detailed how that inherent right had been denied the black man for three hundred years, and how in these last few years since the Nationalist government had come to power, those denials were becoming formally entrenched in a monumental edifice of laws and ordinances and proclamations which was the policy of apartheid in practice.
—Amigos míos: hay un solo ideal al que me aferro con todo mi corazón, y que defenderé con la vida misma: todo africano tiene un derecho primario, inherente e inalienable al África, que es su continente y su única tierra madre. Así comenzó Moses Gama, y Tara escuchó, encantada, mientras él detallaba el modo en que ese derecho inherente les había sido negado a los negros desde trescientos años atrás, y explicaba que, desde la asunción del Gobierno nacionalista, esa idea se atrincheraba formalmente en un monumental edificio de leyes, ordenanzas y edictos, que era, en la práctica, la política del apartheid.
‘My friends, there is one single ideal to which I cling with all my heart, and which I will defend with my very life, and that is that every African has a primary, inherent and inalienable right to the Africa which is his continent and his only motherland,’ Moses Gama began, and Tara listened, enchanted, as he detailed how that inherent right had been denied the black man for three hundred years, and how in these last few years since the Nationalist government had come to power, those denials were becoming formally entrenched in a monumental edifice of laws and ordinances and proclamations which was the policy of apartheid in practice.
—Amigos míos: hay un solo ideal al que me aferro con todo mi corazón, y que defenderé con la vida misma: todo africano tiene un derecho primario, inherente e inalienable al África, que es su continente y su única tierra madre. Así comenzó Moses Gama, y Tara escuchó, encantada, mientras él detallaba el modo en que ese derecho inherente les había sido negado a los negros desde trescientos años atrás, y explicaba que, desde la asunción del Gobierno nacionalista, esa idea se atrincheraba formalmente en un monumental edificio de leyes, ordenanzas y edictos, que era, en la práctica, la política del apartheid.
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