Traduzione per "piece of chocolate" a spagnolo
Piece of chocolate
Esempi di traduzione.
One day she... caught me reaching for a piece of chocolate.
Un día, me pilló agarrando un pedazo de chocolate.
When I hand out tiny pieces of chocolate, the poor souls are so excited and pleased. They just grab my hand and hold it.
Cuando les doy pedazos de chocolate, las pobres almas se emocionan y se alegran tanto que toman mi mano y no la sueltan.
I fancy a little piece of chocolate.
Un pedazo de chocolate no me caería mal.
I'm going to eat eight pieces of chocolate.
Voy a comer ocho pedazos de chocolate.
- You have a piece of chocolate right... there.
- Tienes un pedazo de chocolate aquí...mismo.
Let's run round a bit again, then have a piece of chocolate.'
Vamos a correr otro poco y luego tomaremos un pedazo de chocolate.
Gabe ate a couple of the tomatoes and then took a piece of chocolate through to the sitting room.
Gabe se comió un par de tomates y luego se llevó un pedazo de chocolate al salón.
Teddy found a piece of chocolate in a pocket and Mac divided it up scrupulously with his penknife and divvied up the fragments.
Teddy encontró un pedazo de chocolate en un bolsillo, y Mac lo dividió de manera escrupulosa con su navaja y lo repartió.
Saga gets a bottle of water and helps Sofia drink some, then gives her a piece of chocolate.
Saga abre el tapón de una botella de agua mineral, ayuda a beber a Sofia y después le da un pedazo de chocolate.
Not a soul had come in since morning, except the little girl who could be seen licking her piece of chocolate on the quay.
Desde aquella mañana no había entrado nadie, aparte de la chica a la que ahora veían lamiendo su pedazo de chocolate en el muelle.
She stopped in front of his garrulous neighbor, who turned away to rummage in something lying to her right, then produced a slice of bread with a piece of chocolate on it and handed it to the girl.
La niña se detuvo delante de su gárrula vecina, que se giró para revolver en el interior de algo que tenía a la derecha, y sacó luego una rebanada de pan con un pedazo de chocolate encima, y se lo dio a la niña.
There are grown men, in their fifties, their mustaches covered with autumnal frost, who, when they come to call on their old mother, are given a piece of chocolate by her; if she received it from a grandchild, a homologous kind of childish relationship is established through that bite of chocolate, the gift of a grandchild to his grandmother, from a mother to her son.
Ancianos ya, hay hombres que al llegar a la casa de la madre, ésta les regala un pedazo de chocolate, tal vez regalo de un nieto, pero entonces se establece una especie de homologa relación juvenil, entre aquella barrita de chocolate, regalo de un nieto a su abuela y de una madre a su hijo.
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