Traduzione per "of meant" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
There, too, she was at a loss to understand what was meant.
También en ese caso le resulta difícil comprender el significado.
She asked the delegation to explain what was meant by that phrase.
Pide a la delegación que explique el significado de esa frase.
Instead the draft specified what the terms meant as required.
En cambio, el proyecto especificaba que los términos tenían el significado requerido.
She wondered what was meant by that statement.
No está claro el significado de esa expresión.
He was not certain that those words meant anything to the Algerian delegation.
No está seguro de que esas palabras tengan ningún significado para la delegación argelina.
Such a process has meant a decrease of the water supply for urban areas.
Esto ha significado una disminución del abastecimiento de agua en las zonas urbanas.
Very few teachers understood what we meant by the question.
Muy pocos maestros entendieron el significado de esa pregunta".
The entire Muslim world knows what is meant by Habasha.
Todo el mundo musulmán conoce el significado de Habasha.
Emancipation, to my mind, has never meant independence.
Emancipación, en mi opinión, jamás ha significado independencia.
This has sometimes meant coordinating international efforts.
A veces ello ha significado la coordinación de los esfuerzos internacionales.
It meant something, that.
Y eso tenía un significado.
Was that what this meant?
¿Era eso el significado?
“As much as I’ve meant?
–¿Lo que he significado para ti?
“It meant something to me.”
—Para mí sí que ha significado algo.
It meant a lot to me.
Ha significado mucho para mí.
I had not meant anything.
Yo no había significado nada.
Saying yes would have meant staying, and staying would have meant settling.
Decir que sí hubiera significado quedarse, y quedarse hubiera significado establecerse.
You’ve meant so much to us.”
Has significado tanto para nosotros…
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