Traduzione per "nightwatchmen" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
the nightwatchmen were coming with their cloaks and food-baskets.
los serenos llegaban con sus capas y sus canastos de comida.
For a while now, on certain nights, in the streets bordering the square, avoiding the nightwatchmen, standing in the shadows, merging with the walls, someone has been waiting.
Desde hace algún tiempo, algunas noches, adentrándose en los callejones cercanos a la plaza, huyendo de los serenos, mimetizado con los muros, apostado en la sombra, alguien espera.
He remembered the old nightwatchmen who used to walk around the city, equipped with sticks, lanterns, and bunches of master keys, calling out the time and the weather.
Recordó a los viejos serenos que, solitarios, deambulaban por la ciudad y premunidos de un báculo, un farol y un atado de llaves maestras daban la hora y el tiempo.
And on this night, as on every night, near to the poorly lit streets where this someone is waiting, at times only a stone’s throw away, the nightwatchmen pass by with their lanterns dangling on the end of poles, and each hour on the hour remove their hats, blow their horns and cry out:
Y como todas las noches y también esas noches, cerca de los oscuros callejones donde alguien espera, a veces incluso muy cerca, cruzan los lanzones con punta de farol de los serenos, que a cada hora en punto se descubren la cabeza, soplan su cuerno y dan la voz:
And more people, though not too many; one or two guards and nightwatchmen, and a few small groups of country folk from outlying villages, who had evidently been camping out under the great archway and were now busy preparing an early meal before setting off to join the crowds about the palace.
Y más gente, aunque no demasiada, uno o dos guardias y serenos y pequeños grupos de campesinos de los pueblos de los alrededores que, evidentemente, habían acampado bajo la gran arcada y ahora preparaban la comida antes de ir a reunirse con la multitud que rodeaba el palacio.
Therefore we can deduce (we can deduce, his son interrupted, stopping writing, that the attacker is well acquainted with the city’s habits, that is, he knows what time he is likely to find a victim in those streets, and more importantly he knows what time the policemen stop patrolling and the routes the nightwatchmen take), just so, just so, yes, and not only that (not only that what? his son said, looking up from his notebook), not only that, but we can, indeed we must, deduce from it the hours the attacker himself keeps.
De ello debe deducirse (deducirse, lo interrumpió su hijo dejando de escribir, que el agresor conoce bien las costumbres de la ciudad, o sea, sabe hasta qué hora es probable encontrar alguna víctima en esas calles, y sobre todo cuándo finalizan los turnos de los gendarmes y los serenos se quedan más desasistidos), correcto, sí, correcto, aunque no solamente eso (¿no solamente qué?, dijo su hijo levantando la vista del papel), no solamente eso puede y en efecto debe deducirse de los horarios del agresor, digo.
a Mosaic fount, in which crude, churlish drinkers enjoy wetting their gullets as they explore with expert, agile motions the curves and hollows of the rock: in a single stroke, not letting go of the pen for an instant: as the three ex-children lift their eyes heavenward with the rapture and ecstasy of Madonnas: or like that little saint Marie Alacoque as she receives the Great Promise: here is the Heart that has so loved all men, that has left nothing undone, even unto exhausting itself and consuming itself in order to demonstrate its love for them!: with their smiles of angelic beatitude and their gaze riveted upon a thousand glorious visions: seeking atonement for the scorn and ingratitude of the world: prepared to bestow abundant and extraordinary blessings upon their true disciples: who are on their knees too, in avid and refreshing bliss: but the master and mistress of the plantation and the tsarevitch contemplate the scene with you and their eyes gleam in horror in their deep-set sockets: mon Dieu, quoi faire?: the power of the stew pots is really fantastic, and any attempt to resist is doomed to failure: overcome by their weighty burden of shame, they will turn on their heels and haughtily turn their backs on you, the sole consequence of which is to reveal to the stupefied audience the humiliating coloration of their posterior hemispheres: the nonsublimated, nonhidden, nonodorless, nonaseptic visceral explosion that no safe-deposit box, sanctuary, or water closet will succeed in conjuring away: resoundingly proclaiming the mot de Cambronne: their undeniable membership in the human species, their solidarity with the suffering, squatting humanity of the devotees of the sewer ditch: and although forewarned by the bursts of laughter, they will realize that disaster is at hand, that it is too late to take countermeasures: the plebeian viscosity continually extends its sphere of activity, infecting the men’s trousers, contaminating the women’s petticoats: in vain they will seize hold of the dangling bindweeds and repeat the magic gesture of pulling the chain: the divine waterspout will not descend: the technicians will have gone back to England: and amid the hilarious laughter of the plantation blacks they will continue to pour out the ignominious dark-colored matter until the moment that the stew pots lose their power, the spotlights dim, and suddenly a disorderly retreat takes place: the scattering of the slaves in all directions: someone has sent out the alarm and the plantation bell is sounding the call to arms: the nightwatchmen awaken and come running with their dogs at the urgent summons of the plantation boss: shouts, cries, barks, lights, whistles: the ancestral hunting party is being organized: the illustrious family is fast asleep: the chaplain will begin to speak and then all of you run away
o como aquella santita de Alacoque en trance de recibir la Gran Promesa: he aquí este Corazón que tanto ha amado a los hombres, que nada ha omitido hasta agotarse y consumirse para mostrarles su amor!: con su sonrisa de angelical beatitud y la vista cautiva de mil visiones gloriosas: exigiendo reparación por los desprecios e ingratitudes del mundo: y asegurando abundantes y especialísimas gracias a sus verdaderos devotos: postrados de hinojos también, en voraz y refrescante deliquio: pero los amos del ingenio y el zarevitz contemplan la escena contigo y sus ojos brillan de horror en la hundida cavidad de sus órbitas: mon Dieu, quoi faire?: la fuerza de las cazuelas es realmente fantástica y cualquier tentativa de resistencia está condenada al fracaso: abrumados por el peso de la vergüenza, girarán sobre sus talones y os volverán dignamente la espalda sin conseguir otra cosa que revelar a la estupefacta asamblea la humillante coloración de sus hemisferios posteriores: la no-sublimada, no-oculta, no-inodora, no-aséptica explosión visceral que ninguna caja de caudales, sagrario o WC logrará escamotear: proclamando con ruido le mot de Cambronne: su irrefutable adhesión a la especie: a la doliente, acuclillada humanidad de los adictos a la zanja: y, aunque prevenidos por las risas se percatarán del desastre, será demasiado tarde para reaccionar: la plebeya viscosidad extiende sin cesar su radio de acción, infecta los pantalones, contamina las sayas: inútilmente se asirán a los bejucos colgantes y repetirán el gesto mágico de tirar de la cadena: la tromba divina no bajará: los técnicos habrán vuelto a Inglaterra: y en medio del regocijo de la dotación seguirán vertiendo la materia ignominiosa y oscura hasta el momento en que las cazuelas pierdan fuerza, la intensidad de los focos disminuya y, bruscamente, se produzca la desbandada: la huida de los esclavos en todas direcciones: alguno ha dado la señal de alarma y la campana del ingenio toca a rebato: despiertan los serenos, acuden con los perros al llamado apremiante del mayoral: gritos, voces, ladridos, luces, silbatos: la cacería ancestral se organiza: la ínclita familia duerme: hablará el capellán
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