Traduzione per "nightime" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
They are too expensive nightime.
Son muy caros a la noche.
So I'm driving to Walgreens, it was nightime and I see a deer and I fucking hate deer, I hate them because they're everywhere up there.
Asique voy manejando al supermercado, es de noche y veo un venado, y odio a los venados, los odio. Porque estan en todos lados ahi.
When nightime's crimes
La noche de todos los crimenes... De todas las risas...
During nightime. fairies pass by here. D'you want me to slap you?
- Lo han hecho de noche.
There's people standing in line nightime to take them!
Hay gente que hace cola la noche para comprarlos.
She's sleeping at nightime, too.
De noche también reposa.
No one would have been worried about me til the nightime, at least.
Nadie me habría extrañado hasta la noche, por lo menos.
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