Traduzione per "niaouli" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
She gave Carol a ceramic locket to wear around her neck and three dark glass vials containing niaouli, lavender, and mint.
Le entregó un medallón de cerámica para colgarse al cuello y tres frascos oscuros con aceites de niauli, lavanda y menta;
She told Carol to put two drops of niaouli into the locket every day to ward off the nausea, put a few drops of lavender on her pillow, and rub the peppermint oil into the soles of her feet to lift her spirits.
Debía poner dos gotas de niauli en el medallón y usarlo a diario contra las náuseas, unas gotas de lavanda en la almohada y frotarse la menta en la planta de los pies para levantar el ánimo.
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