Traduzione per "mouth nose" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
According to relatives and lawyers his corpse bore clear signs of torture; his stomach, chest and neck were severely bruised, two teeth were missing and blood was coming from his mouth, nose, ears and genitals.
Según algunos parientes y abogados, su cadáver presentaba evidentes huellas de tortura: tenía el estómago, el pecho y el cuello muy magullados, le faltaban dos dientes y le manaba sangre de la boca, nariz, orejas y genitales.
Eyes, mouth, nose, breast, hips, hands—she ran them over;
Ojos, boca, nariz, pecho, caderas, manos —todo lo recorrió;
Chin, mouth, nose, forehead – each was the epitome of ‘racial purity’ at a stroke.
Barbilla, boca, nariz, frente, dibujados con un solo trazo, merecían la calificación de «pura raza».
It was perfectly round, with a tiny mouth, nose and eyes, and a wisp of a beard on the point of the chin.
Era perfectamente redondo, con una boca, nariz y ojos diminutos, y un mechón de barba puntiaguda en el mentón.
the forehead, mouth, nose, cheeks, and beautiful brown hair showed harmoniously, each part in concord with the whole.
su frente, boca, nariz y mejillas, así como sus hermosos cabellos negros, aparecían perfectamente delineados.
His expression was a little too vacant, but his face had almost all the right components—jawline, mouth, nose, cheekbones, hair.
Tenía una expresión vacía, pero su rostro tenía todos los componentes indicados: mentón, boca, nariz, pómulos, pelo.
Some kind of fluid had leaked from his mouth, nose, eyes and ears and congealed into a sticky mucous-like substance.
Un fluido le había manado de la boca, nariz, ojos y orejas y se había coagulado formando una sustancia pegajosa de tipo mucoso.
Dekacian Skrei lay dead, bleeding from his mouth, nose, eyes, and ears, as were the rest of the warriors who were near him.
El Dekacian Skrei estaba muerto, sangrando por la boca, nariz, ojos y oídos, igual que el resto de guerreros que se hallaban cerca de él.
There was no way to tell in that young face, where the eyes, mouth, nose, cheekbones, ears, even the tousled hair, seemed the work of a scrupulous aesthete.
Imposible averiguarlo, en esa carita donde ojos, boca, nariz, pómulos, orejas y hasta el desorden de los cabellos parecían la obra de un esteta perfeccionista.
One woman stood apart with a small camera while they tentatively moved her limbs around and looked in her mouth, nose, and ears with a light.
Una mujer se apartó con una pequeña cámara mientras los demás movían tentativamente sus miembros y le miraban la boca, nariz y orejas empleando una luz.
Then he saw they must be twins by the shape of their rather fine features: identical eyes, mouths, noses, eye and skin coloring, the same dark, thick curly brown hair.
Entonces le pareció que debían de ser gemelos: idénticos ojos, boca, nariz, tono de la piel y de los ojos, el mismo pelo rizado y castaño oscuro.
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