Traduzione per "mainlanders" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Chinese (Mainland)
China (continental)
Tanzania mainland
Tanzanía continental
Kundali in Mainland China
Kundali, en China continental.
- The mainland, anywhere.
La parte continental, cualquier lugar.
Mainlanders are numskulls.
Los continentales son estúpidos.
This mainlander is insane.
Esta continental es loca.
Damn you, Mainlander!
! Maldita seas, continental!
That was Mainland tea.
Era té continental.
The mainland tiger snake.
La serpiente tigre continental.
Mainland China is lost.
China continental se perdió.
We'll interrogate that mainlander!
¡Nosotros interrogaremos al continental!
I mean mainland?
¿A la China continental?
The mainland is changing.
China Continental está cambiando.
I’m on Third Mainland Bridge.
estoy en el Tercer Puente Continental.
Mainland China became communist China.
La China continental se había hecho comunista.
We’re going to get back to the European mainland.
Vamos a volver a la Europa continental.
It was from the mainland government, and it was bland and confident.
Era del gobierno continental y parecía suave y confiada.
Many mainlanders buy boys because they have no sons.
Muchos continentales compran niños porque no tienen hijos.
They made the journey from the Mainland without incident.
Hicieron la travesía desde el Territorio Continental sin incidentes.
Besides, there were wild Firvulag in the mainland wilderness.
Además, había Firvulag salvajes en las selvas continentales.
The mainland was invisible under smog and clouds.
La costa continental quedaba oculta por niebla y nubes.
Some of us are from the mainland, but we also have scientists from around the world.
Algunos somos de Corea continental, pero también los hay de otros países.
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