Traduzione per "magnanimously" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Thanks to the Universal Declaration, all human rights -- civil, political, economic, social and cultural -- were recognized as inherent and inalienable entitlements of all people, rather than privileges magnanimously bestowed upon them or denied to them at the caprice of the powerful.
Gracias a la Declaración Universal se reconoció que todos los derechos humanos -- civiles, políticos, económicos, sociales y culturales -- eran derechos inherentes e inalienables para todas las personas, en lugar de privilegios que son otorgados magnánimamente o que se niegan a capricho de los poderosos.
Name me the pledge that shall be surety for you, if I magnanimously loose your bonds?
Nómbrame la caución que te sea suficiente, si magnánimamente perdiese tus bonos.
André He wants to come home and figure magnanimously.
El desea que André regrese a casa magnánimamente y figura.
Up to that point, I didn't see Daphne as the sort who would give her husband up so magnanimously, just because he thinks he loves someone else.
Hasta ese momento, Daphne no me parecía... alguien que entregaría a su esposo tan magnánimamente... sólo porque él cree que ama a otra.
I think he's gonna have an ulcer, but the good news is he'll never disappoint you again, so you can go and magnanimously hire him back now.
Creo que le va a salir una úlcera, pero las buenas noticias son que nunca más te volverá a decepcionar, así que puedes ir y magnánimamente contratarle de nuevo ahora.
His cousin, obviously...the guy who magnanimously agreed to share his bedroom with him.
A su primo, obviamente... es el chico que magnánimamente a acordado compartir el dormitorio contigo.
After several weeks of siege, the Queen of the Britons and her soldiers surrendered to Caesar, who, showing magnanimity, spared their lives and sailed onto new conquests.
Después de varias semanas de sitio, la Reina de los Bretones y sus soldados se rindieron a Cesar, quien, magnánimamente, perdonó sus vidas y zarpó hacia nuevas conquístas.
Magnanimously he cut me a slice.
Magnánimamente, me cortó un trozo.
the driver had waved them on magnanimously.
el conductor les había dejado paso magnánimamente.
‘They are cunningly concealed,’ I conceded magnanimously.
—Están hábilmente ocultos —concedí magnánimamente.
“Allow me to treat you,” he added magnanimously.
Permíteme que te invite —añadió magnánimamente.
The Gardens had always been magnanimously open to the public.
Los jardines siempre habían estado magnánimamente abiertos al público.
murmured the torchbearer magnanimously. “What are you doing? Stocktaking?”
—En absoluto —murmuró magnánimamente el hombre de la linterna—. ¿Qué es lo que están haciendo?
“We should give them a break,” said Rin magnanimously.
—Deberíamos darles un respiro —dijo Rin magnánimamente—.
“I forgive you your odd ideas on tact,” I said magnanimously.
–Te perdono tus extrañas ideas sobre el tacto -le dije magnánimamente-.
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