Traduzione per "lived for" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
He has lived in Iran his entire life, with the exception of a few years when he lived in Pakistan.
Había vivido en el Irán toda su vida, salvo unos pocos años que había vivido en el Pakistán.
I have lived amongst them.
He vivido entre ellos.
If the child has never lived with its family or has lived with them for only a short time;
- Si el niño no ha vivido nunca con su familia o únicamente ha vivido con ella durante un plazo breve;
Since then we have lived in peace.
Y desde entonces hemos vivido en paz.
We have lived in communities, collectively.
Hemos vivido en colectividad, en comunidad.
He was a man who had lived history.
Era un hombre que había vivido la historia.
They have lived with us.
Han vivido con nosotros.
Live in harmony and concord
Vivid en armonía y concordia
I've lived for years watching my loved ones die.
He vivido por años viendo morir a mis seres queridos.
We have lived our lives for ourselves-uh! Totally ignoring the Lord-uh!
Hemos vivido por nosotros mismos, ignorando totalmente al señor.
Daddy, mum - please live for me.
Papá, mamá, por favor, vivid por mí.
Russia has lived for centuries in the yoke of monarchy.
Rusia ha vivido por siglos bajo el yugo del absolutismo.
Und my life will be lived for the thrill
Und mi vida sería vivida Por el escalofrío
I've lived for so many years now.
Yo he vivido por muchos años.
One who has lived for so long?
¿Uno que ha vivido por tanto tiempo?
- I understand. Live for me, my darling.
Vivid por mí, querido.
I've lived for over 400 years.
He vivido por más de 400 años,
A sip and you would have lived, you would have lived, you would have lived!
¡Un sorbo y habríais vivido, habríais vivido, habríais vivido!
He has lived with them and they have lived in him.
Ha vivido con ellos y ellos han vivido en él.
Live, Lord,’ I whispered to him, ‘live.’
Vivid, señor, vivid -le susurré.
I will live through it.
Yo la habré vivido.
- I've lived for about 750 years. - You'll soon be middle-aged (!
Significa que he vivido durante unos 750 años.
I've lived for so long hiding out in my little apartment.
He vivido durante mucho tiempo escondida en mi pequeño apartamento.
Brownfield, Texas Where Laurie's been living for the past,\ I don't know,
Brownfield, Texas, donde Laurie ha vivido durante--
The horse lived for many years.
El caballo vivido durante muchos años.
Joe could've lived for years.
Joe podría haber vivido durante años.
I was born in upper Boston, where my family has lived for five generations.
nací en Boston, donde mi familia ha vivido durante cinco generaciones.
- We've lived for so long a time.
- Hemos vivido durante mucho tiempo.
Would have lived for every second of it.
Habria vivido durante cada segundo de ella.
But Alex lived for 17 minutes in an incubator.
Pero Alex vivido durante 17 minutos en una incubadora.
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