Traduzione per "less friendly" a spagnolo
Less friendly
Esempi di traduzione.
And if your parole officer doesn't vouch for you, we're gonna become a lot less friendly.
Y si vustro oficial de libertad condicional no responde de vosostros, vamos a ser mucho menos amigables.
On these days, I get to work Just a tad less friendly.
En estos días voy a trabajar un poco menos amigable.
They're worms.Just a bit less friendly than the ones in your garden.
Son gusanos. Un poco menos amigables que los que están en tu jardín.
In America people were less friendly.
En Estados Unidos la gente era menos amigable.
- Jesus, be less friendly.
- Dios, sé menos amigable.
He looked a lot less friendly now.
Ahora parecía bastante menos amigable.
Outside, the city was noisier, pushier, less friendly.
Afuera la ciudad era más ruidosa, más apremiante, menos amigable.
Their projections are, however, even less friendly to us than those of the inorganic beings.
Para nosotros los seres humanos las proyecciones de los árboles son menos amigables aun que las de los seres inorgánicos.
Mitros began to pat one of the dogs and play with it, but the other dogs were less friendly, snapping at their ankles.
Mitros comenzó a acariciar a un perro y a jugar con él, pero los otros animales, menos amigables, amagaban con morderles los tobillos.
Gavin frowned. "Let's hope he doesn't repeat what he knows to less friendly ears." "I think he'll keep quiet," Kendra said.
Gavin arrugó las cejas. —Esperemos que no cuente lo que sabe en presencia de unos oídos menos amigables. —Creo que no dirá nada —dijo Kendra—.
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