Traduzione per "keep themselves" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
To keep themselves awake, they talked.
Hablaron para mantenerse despiertos.
Planning to keep themselves to themselves, I guess.
Planeaban mantenerse apartados, supongo.
They floundered and wriggled to keep themselves on their stubby, sticky legs.
Se revolvían y agitaban para mantenerse sobre sus diminutas y pegajosas patas.
Some of them brought jewels and sold them here to keep themselves going.
Algunos trajeron joyas y las vendieron para mantenerse.
Over time, Moroi started keeping themselves separate from humans.
Con el tiempo, los Moroi empezaron a mantenerse alejados de los humanos.
They did not have to keep themselves alive among well-meaning but ignorant resisters.
No tenían que intentar mantenerse en vida entre bienintencionados pero ignorantes resistentes.
The men with him were fighting savagely to keep themselves alive and the earl safe.
Los hombres que le acompañaban peleaban salvajemente por mantenerse vivos y proteger al conde.
They were also decorated with young men sitting or lying around trying to keep themselves amused.
También estaban decorados con jóvenes sentados o tumbados que intentaban mantenerse entretenidos.
For if women are worshipped because they are beautiful, they are condescended to for their preoccupation with making or keeping themselves beautiful.
Pues si las mujeres son veneradas por ser bellas, se las menosprecia porque se preocupan de estar o mantenerse bellas.
Others were reduced to walking, clinging on to the stirrup leathers of their companions to keep themselves on their feet.
Otros se vieron obligados a caminar, aferrándose a los estribos de cuero de sus compañeros para mantenerse en pie.
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