Traduzione per "keep quiet about" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
His fiancée gave me $50,000 to keep quiet about her having sex with her brother.
Su prometida © e me dio $ 50.000 a guardar silencio sobre su tener relaciones sexuales con su hermano.
Keeping quiet about what Grace Maplin and Mrs Hunnicutt were up to might be construed as withholding key evidence.
Guardar silencio sobre lo que Grace Maplin y la Sra. Hunnicutt están haciendo podría interpretarse como retención de evidencia clave. Lo siento.
You think I'm gonna keep quiet about this?
¿Crees que voy a guardar silencio sobre esto?
And then you begged your sister to keep quiet about the situation.
Y luego le suplicó a su hermana que guardara silencio sobre la situación.
And then you made Clay keep quiet about his relationship with Derek?
¿Y luego hicisteis a Clay guardar silencio sobre su relación con Derek?
Well, we could keep quiet about it, couldn't we?
Podríamos guardar silencio sobre el asunto, ¿no?
Can you keep quiet about it?
¿Puedes guardar silencio sobre esto?
It's not helping Annie, you know, keeping quiet about all this.
No está ayudando a Annie, sabes, guardar silencio sobre todo esto.
A person ought to keep quiet about it.
Una debe guardar silencio sobre ello.
Last week... last week, Horvet turned up at the hotel and tried to bribe Matthias to keep quiet about the stupid pollution.
La semana pasada... la semana pasada, Horvet se presentó en el hotel y trató de sobornar a Matthias para que guardara silencio sobre la estúpida contaminación.
Obviously she should just keep quiet about the airman in the barn.
Obviamente debía limitarse a guardar silencio sobre el aviador en el granero.
Meg, I know you accepted a settlement to keep quiet about something.
—Meg, sé que aceptaste un acuerdo para guardar silencio sobre lo que ocurrió.
“You’re right,” I agreed. “I’ll keep quiet about Debbie when he’s around.
—Tienes razón —convine—. Guardaré silencio sobre Debbie cuando él esté cerca.
but he had insisted she keep quiet about what had really happened, and she had agreed to do so.
pero le insistió en que guardara silencio sobre lo sucedido y ella había accedido.
First, for the time being he was going to keep quiet about this new threat to himself.
En primer lugar, por el momento iba a guardar silencio sobre aquella nueva amenaza que pesaba sobre él.
We have to keep quiet about everything else, for the time being anyway.
Aunque debamos callar acerca de todo lo demás».
There are always some necessary lies and omissions, just as there are truths it’s better to keep quiet about.”
Hay omisiones y mentiras necesarias, como hay verdades que más vale callar.
You wouldn’t have to lie about those things, though, nor even keep quiet about them;
Pero en todas esas cosas no tendrías que mentir, ni que callar siquiera;
They’d have to keep quiet about the whole affair, or else haul the damn thing up themselves and not say where they’d found it.
Tendrían que callar el asunto, o transportar la maldita cosa ellos mismos y no decir dónde la habían encontrado.
he said, “and I mean no disrespect, you never can tell when you might run headfirst into the law and however plucky you might be and however hard you hold out when they plays you like a guitar, it’s always easier to keep quiet about what you don’t know than to keep quiet about what you do know.”
—Además —añadió—, y dicho sea sin menoscabo de la honra, en estos tiempos nunca sabe uno cuándo ha de vérselas con la Güerca… Y por muchos argamandijos que se tengan y sufrid que sea uno a la hora de tocar la guitarra, más cómodo es callar lo que no se conoce, que callar lo que se sabe.
“I’ll keep quiet about Lockwood, and you use some of your consular clout to find out if and when he was released from jail.
—Yo me callaré con respecto a Lockwood, y usted utilice un poco de su investidura consular para averiguar si, y cuándo, fue liberado de la cárcel.
Art nods his chin toward Adán and the injured campesino and says softly, “I guess we both have things to keep quiet about, Tim.”
Art hace un gesto con el mentón hacia Adán y el campesino herido. – Supongo que los dos tenemos que callar algunas cosas, Tim.
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