Esempi di traduzione.
Rather, both should make the necessary readjustments and reforms in the light of their own national conditions in order to promote their welfare and keep out of harm's way.
En vez de ello, ambos deben hacer los reajustes y reformas necesarios a la luz de sus propias condiciones nacionales, a fin de promover su bienestar y mantenerse alejados del camino del daño.
Nothing about keeping out of drafts?
¿Nada sobre mantenerse alejado de las corrientes?
he keeps out of our way evidently. That would be worse than all.
Procura mantenerse alejado de nuestro camino. Eso será lo peor.
Keep out of trouble and don’t get involved, that was the important thing.
No meterse en líos y mantenerse alejado de los problemas, eso era lo importante.
He was disturbed in mind and resolved to keep out of Snap’s way.
Pesaroso y confuso, resolvió mantenerse alejado de Snap.
Ralph was docile, and had a precocious sagacity for keeping out of trouble.
Ralph era dócil y tenía una precoz sagacidad para mantenerse alejado de los problemas.
I think that officer was reading my mind and was smart enough to keep out of my way.
Creo que aquel oficial leyó mis pensamientos y que fue lo suficientemente listo para mantenerse alejado.
logically, they would prefer to keep out of the digital sandbox—at least as long as nothing illegal takes place.
Es lógico que prefieran mantenerse alejados del cajón de arena digital, siempre que no ocurra nada ilegal.
He said to tell me that circumstances which he couldn’t explain at the present time necessitated that he keep out of the picture for a while;
Me ha comunicado que por diversas razones que de momento no podía explicarme tenía que mantenerse alejado de este asunto;
Punctuality, she felt like whispering to him, Perseverance, Temperan, Courage, and keep out of the Stock Exchange.
Puntualidad, le apeteció decirle al oído, Perseverancia, Templan, Valor, y mantenerse alejado de la Bolsa de Valores.
Moreland on the other hand, once things were broken off with Priscilla, certainly preferred to keep out of her and her husband’s way.
Moreland, por su parte, una vez rotas sus relaciones con Priscilla, prefirió mantenerse alejado de ella y de su marido.
Dirk was very glad to keep out of their way, especially as they had been a little upset over his desertion to the scientists.
Dirk estaba muy contento de mantenerse alejado de su camino, especialmente habiéndose mostrado un poco vejados por su deserción al mundo de los científicos.
Keep out of bad company, and watch over Anne!”
¡Aléjate de las malas compañías y vela por Ana!
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