Traduzione per "just wished" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Just wished for you and Vivaan to make a life I'd stopped dreaming of.
Solo deseaba para ti y para Vivaan la vida con la que hace tiempo dejé de soñar.
I just wish I could do more.
Solo deseaba poder hacer más.
I just wish it led somewhere.
Solo deseaba que condujera a algún sitio.
I just wish you'd talked to me first.
Yo solo deseaba que hubieras hablado conmigo primero.
But I just wished that I had a chance to... To talk to them.
Pero solo deseaba tener la oportunidad de... hablar con ellos.
I just wish it wasn't so hard.
Solo deseaba que no fuera tan duro.
And as for O, he just wished no one would've known his existence
Y O, solo deseaba que nadie supiese que existia
I guess I just wish you were coming, that's all.
Creo que solo deseaba que vinieras, es todo.
I don't know, I guess I just wish there was more that we could do.
No lo se, creo que solo deseaba que hubiese más que pudiesemos hacer.
I just wish something in my life would go right today.
Solo deseaba que algo de mi vida hubiera ido bien hoy.
He just wished he could be allowed to understand.
Solo deseaba que le Permitieran comprender.
He just wished he could have held on a little bit longer.
Sobaco solo deseaba haber estado con ella un poco más.
She just wished she were on solid ground again.
Solo deseaba volver a estar en tierra firme.
He probably just wished that he had a good, clean truth like love.
Probablemente, solo deseaba poseer una verdad buena y limpia, como el amor.
"Yes ... of course," Sarghov stammered, just wishing the helicopter would move away from the bridge.
—Sí..., claro —balbuceó Sargov, que solo deseaba que el helicóptero se alejara del puente.
He just wished Overholt had answered him, otherwise this was going to be a long night. EIGHTEEN
Solo deseaba que Overholt le hubiese respondido, porque de lo contrario iba a ser una noche muy larga.
He just wished the scrape and crack of his blade would drown out the distant sirens.
Solo deseaba que el golpe y el arrastre de su herramienta apagaran el ruido de las sirenas lejanas.
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