Traduzione per "just get" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Just get the nurplex.
Solo consigue el nurplex.
Just get the money.
Solo consigue el dinero.
Just get the tape.
Solo consigue la cinta
Just get his signature.
Solo consigue la firma.
Just get me the contacts.
Solo consigue los contactos.
Just get me bailed out.
Solo consigue liberarme.
Just get my money.
Solo consigue mi dinero.
Just get the gas.
Solo consigue el combustible.
Just get a new one.
Solo consigue uno nuevo.
Just get another mirror.
Solo consigue otro espejo.
Anytime you say anything you just get more work piled on. 87
Cada vez que dices algo solo consigues que aumente el trabajo. 87
"Just get everyone," she said, "and come out here--right away." Chapter 23
Solo consigue a todos —dijo ella—, y vengan aquí… ahora. Capítulo 23
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