Traduzione per "jaws and teeth" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
She watches his mouth, the jaw, the teeth.
Ella le mira la boca, la mandíbula, los dientes.
I had the impression that if she unclamped her jaw, her teeth would chatter.
Tuve la impresión de que si dejaba de apretar las mandíbulas, sus dientes comenzarían a chocar ruidosamente unos con otros.
His huge jaw and teeth moved exaggeratedly as he spoke with that astonishingly loud voice.
Al hablar con esa voz extraordinariamente fuerte, su gigantesca mandíbula y dientes se movían de forma exagerada.
Although you can ward off bad spirits with a ring of pike jaws and teeth hung over the door.
Pero sí se puede ahuyentar a los malos espíritus colgando una guirnalda de mandíbulas y dientes de lucio en la puerta.
We think these dinosaurs were so successful because they had better jaws and teeth for chewing plants than their contemporaries did.
Suponemos que estos dinosaurios tuvieron tanto éxito porque tenían mejores mandíbulas y dientes para masticar plantas que sus contemporáneos.
I couldn’t even glance up at him, his jaw, his teeth, his golden eyes, flowing long hair.
Ni me atrevía a levantar la vista, a recrearme en la línea de su mandíbula, sus dientes, sus ojos dorados, su pelo largo y suelto.
A jaw with teeth, giant in the dark, bigger than his head: a cave bear skull, it had to be, long and toothy, with the bump and rise in the forehead that marked it as a cave bear, although its sheer size was enough to tell. Nothing.
Una mandíbula con dientes, gigantesca en la oscuridad y más grande que su cabeza: el cráneo de un oso, tenía que ser, largo y erizado de dientes, con una frente protuberante que confirmaba su naturaleza por si no bastaba con sus meras dimensiones. Nada.
Roelf waved his assurance of mercy at them, concentrating on the section of seats filled with girls from the women's residences, and there were muted squeals and giggles an a tossing of permanently waved coiffures, for Roelf stood six feet, with a square jaw, white teeth and flashing dark eyes.
Hubo gritos ahogados, risas aniñadas y agitación de cabellos ondulados, pues Roelf medía un metro ochenta y era cuadrado de mandíbula, con dientes blancos y chispeantes ojos oscuros.
The author alleges that as a result of the assault she suffered several injuries and contusions to her face, jaw and teeth.
La autora alega que, como resultado de la agresión, sufrió varias heridas y contusiones en la cara, las mandíbulas y los dientes.
I began paging through the books, looking for photographs of the jaws and teeth.
Empecé a hojear los libros, en busca de fotografías de mandíbulas y de dientes.
A hunched man with a huge deformed jaw and teeth faced him;
Un hombre encogido, con una enorme mandíbula deformada y dientes saltones le salió al paso;
Those eroded projections in the massive jaw weren't teeth. They were later bone growth. Protector.
Y esas proyecciones de la gran mandíbula no eran dientes: eran huesos crecidos. Un protector.
‘Black eye, split lip, fractured jaw, two teeth broken off at the gum.’
—Ojo morado, labio partido, mandíbula fracturada, dos dientes arrancados…
The shape of his jaws and teeth, coupled with his accent, made it difficult for Nasuada to understand him.
-La forma de su mandíbula y sus dientes, combinada con su acento, hacía que a Nasuada le costara entenderle.
Now, if he'd caught a shark, he could have taken home the jaw and teeth, but an albacore, magnificent as it was, was just tuna fish.
De haber pescado un tiburón, habría podido llevarse a casa la mandíbula y los dientes, pero una albacora, por espléndida que fuese, no era más que un atún.
The officer's jaw and teeth had taken most of the damage, and a maxillary surgeon would start repairing that damage in a day or two.
La lesión mayor se había producido en la mandíbula y los dientes del oficial, y un cirujano maxilar empezaría a tratarlo dentro de uno o dos días.
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