Traduzione per "it wise" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
(b) Establishment of the Panel of the Wise;
b) Establecimiento del Grupo de Sabios;
The people are so wise.
El pueblo es tan sabio.
Said the wise Rabbi:
El rabino sabio dijo:
This is a wise and important decision.
Se trata de una decisión sabia e importante.
the Panel of the Wise;
- El Grupo de Sabios;
It is indeed a wise saying.
De hecho, este es un sabio proverbio.
With the death of this wise leader, the fraternal Comoros has lost a great and wise man and a capable leader.
Con la muerte de este sabio dirigente, el hermano país de las Comoras ha perdido a un hombre grande y sabio y a un líder capaz.
. Panel of the Wise;
:: El Grupo de los Sabios;
It is not wisdom to be only wise,
No es sabiduría ser sólo sabio,
(c) Committee of wise men
c) Comité de Sabios
But is it wise to kill him?
¿Pero es sabio matarlo?
I think it's wise to keep it that way.
Creo que es sabio dejarlo asi.
It's hard, but it's wise andjust.
Es dura, pero es sabia y justa.
Are you sure it's wise to travel right now?
¿Es sabio viajar ahora?
But sometimes it's wise to listen...
Pero a veces, es sabio escuchar.
I thinks it's wise not to offend them unnecessarily.
Creo que es sabio no ofenderlos innecesariamente.
[RIARIO) Is it wise to reveal yourself before him?
¿Es sabio que se muestre ante él?
I believe it wise to be cautious.
Pienso que es sabio ser cauteloso.
Do you think it's wise to offer so much?
Crees que es sabio ofrecer tanto ?
Is it wise to let him go?
¿Es sabio dejarlo ir?
Pretty wise, pretty wise.
—Muy sabio, muy sabio.
The wise are wise only because they love.
—El que es sabio, sólo es sabio porque ama.
Literally, Wise God or Wise Lord;
Literalmente, Dios Sabio o Sabio Señor;
Wise words, my queen, wise words.”
Sabias palabras, mi reina, sabias palabras.
I see that you come from a wise world ... if this is wise.
Veo que vienes de un mundo sabio… si esto es sabio.
Therefore, it is not wise for some to try to pretend that Islam is synonymous with extremism.
Por consiguiente, no sería prudente considerar al Islam como un sinónimo del fundamentalismo.
... Do you think it wise to call?
¿Cree que es prudente llamar...?
But is it wise?
Pero, ¿es prudente?
- I think it's wise not to.
- Creo que es prudente no.
And is it wise to try?
¿Y es prudente intentarlo?
No, that would not be wise.
—No, no sería prudente.
“That wouldn’t be wise.
—No sería prudente.
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