Traduzione per "is repressed" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Any associations that do not respect these prohibition measures are violently repressed.
Los que no respetan estas medidas de prohibición son violentamente reprimidos.
Religion was severely repressed and all schools were closed down.
La religión estuvo severamente reprimida y se cerraron todas las escuelas.
The uprising was severely repressed.
La rebelión fue severamente reprimida.
The demonstrations had been harshly repressed by the armed forces.
Las manifestaciones han sido duramente reprimidas por las fuerzas armadas.
The latter could not therefore be considered a repressed or occupied people.
Por consiguiente, éstos no se pueden considerar una población reprimida u ocupada.
(e) Exile as a member of the family of a repressed person.
e) haber sido exiliado por ser miembro de la familia de un reprimido.
12. Any political activity on the part of the Kashmiris was brutally repressed.
12. Toda actividad política de los cachemiros es brutalmente reprimida.
According to FIDH, they have been severely repressed since the declaration of the state of emergency.
Según la FIDH, desde la promulgación del estado de excepción han sido duramente reprimidas.
Your angst is repressed memories.
Su angustia es reprimida Por los recuerdos.
It's an obsolete Vulcan ritual... where the memory of an event is repressed... along with the emotions associated with it.
Es un antiguo Ritual Vulcano en el que la memoria de un suceso es reprimida junto con las emociones asociadas a él.
I represent the duality of goodness and martyrdom and the unencumbered id that is repressed when religion meets sexuality.
Yo represento a la dualidad de la bondad y el martirio y el ello no comprometido que es reprimido en que la religión cumple con la sexualidad.
Candomblé is repressed and Capoeira is prohibited by law.
El Candomblé es reprimido y la capoeira está prohibida por ley.
No repressions about her.
No había en ella nada reprimido.
Iknowwhatitistobe repressed.
Sé lo que es estar reprimido.
You were more – repressed.
Estaba más… reprimido.
'You're a repressed homosexual.
—Eres un homosexual reprimido.
Perhaps I repressed it;
Quizás lo haya reprimido;
it may be repressed;
puede ser reprimido;
He was somewhat repressed, wasn't he?
Él era un poco reprimido, ¿no?
George was a repressed romantic—and not such a repressed one, either, now that he came to think of it.
George era un romántico reprimido, aunque no tan reprimido, pensándolo bien.
Something like repression of pain.
Como un dolor reprimido.
Journalists were also undergoing repression and persecution.
También se reprime y persigue a los periodistas.
Everything is repressed.
Todo se reprime.
Any opinion contrary to that held by the powers-that-be is forcefully repressed.
Toda opinión contraria a la del poder público se reprime con violencia.
70. No one is repressed for his or her religious beliefs in the Union of the Comoros.
70. En la Unión de las Comoras no se reprime a nadie por sus creencias religiosas.
Iran represses its own people, as it helps other tyrannies to slaughter theirs.
El Irán reprime a su propio pueblo, y ayuda a otras tiranías a matar a los suyos.
Tunisia itself had been condemned for its repression of Internet activism.
Cabe señalar además que el propio Túnez reprime el activismo en Internet.
I know you rage inwardly, trying hard to repress your anger.
—Sé que la rabia que reprimes te reconcome por dentro.
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