Traduzione per "is people are able" a spagnolo
Is people are able
Esempi di traduzione.
The math is simple, human … but few people are able to do it right.
La aritmética es simple, humano… aunque poca gente sea capaz de calcular correctamente.
Rather, we need to know what would happen if people were able to retain youth and vigor indefinitely.
Más bien, deberíamos saber qué pasaría si la gente fuera capaz de permanecer joven y sana de manera indefinida.
Like people were able to freeze their dreams, leave them places, and you could go there and see them, if you knew how.
Es como si la gente fuera capaz de congelar sus sueños, dejarles sitio, y uno pudiera ir a verlos, si supiera cómo.
At the time of Yao, China had been overwhelmed by a terrible flood, and Yao—alone of all the people—“was filled with anxiety.”47 He cut channels for the water, so that it could flow into the sea, and the people were able to level the ground and make it habitable.
En el tiempo de Yao, China se vio abrumada por una terrible inundación, y Yao fue el único que «se llenó de ansiedad»[47]. Excavó canales para el agua, para que fluyera hacia el mar, y la gente fuese capaz de nivelar la tierra y volverla habitable.
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