Traduzione per "is noticeable is" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
13. Noticeable developments have been seen.
13. Se han observado adelantos notables.
This trend is particularly noticeable in emerging economies,
Esta tendencia es particularmente notable en las economías emergentes
There is a noticeable increase in economic activities.
Se ha registrado un aumento notable de la actividad económica.
There is also a noticeable absence of livestock in the countryside.
También se registra una notable ausencia de ganado en la campiña.
2. Funding and financing were noticeably absent.
2. La ausencia de recursos y financiación ha sido notable.
This was driven by noticeable decrease in cultivation in Colombia.
Eso se debió a la notable disminución registrada en Colombia.
24. There was a noticeable decline in the outbreak of cholera in the country.
Hubo una notable reducción del brote de cólera en el país.
The shift over the past four years has been noticeable.
En los últimos cuatro años ha habido un cambio notable.
It has not, however, resulted in any noticeable increase in productivity.
Sin embargo, no ha tenido como resultado ningún aumento notable en la productividad.
:: Funding and financing were noticeably absent.
La ausencia de recursos y financiación ha sido notable.
“A noticeable improvement.”
Una notable mejoría.
+++ The similarity is noticeable, yes +++
+++ La semejanza es notable, sí +++
thin when young but with a noticeable bosom.
pero con un pecho notable.
It was the smile that was most noticeable.
Era una sonrisa realmente notable.
You will notice a marked improvement.
Advertirá en él una notable mejoría.
The nod was returned, but with noticeable coolness.
El saludo fue devuelto, pero con notable frialdad.
I had not realized they were so noticeable.
No sabía que fueran tan notables.
The book dealer did not react noticeably.
– El librero no mostraba reacciones notables.
He was sitting in a noticeable fashion, inhaling.
Estaba sentado de una forma notable, inhalando.
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