Traduzione per "is like that is" a spagnolo
Is like that is
Esempi di traduzione.
She would also like clarification of why the video recording requirement did not apply to interrogations conducted by the ISA or to interrogations of any detainees accused of security offences.
También desea que se le aclare por qué el requisito de la grabación en vídeo no se aplica a los interrogatorios realizados por la ASI o a los interrogatorios de cualquier detenido acusado de delitos contra la seguridad.
The Committee would also like detailed information on the number, type and results of complaints against the ISA or its employees.
El Comité también desea recibir información detallada sobre el número, el tipo y los resultados de las denuncias presentadas contra la ASI o sus empleados.
Things like that are enough.
Cosas asi son suficientes.
You do not speak to your instructors like that.
No tienes derecho a hablarle asi a uno de tus instructores
"What, like hallucinations?" I asked. "Kind of,"
Qué, como alucinaciones? Pregunté. una cosa asi
"Don't talk like that. And anyway, it doesn't matter.
no hables asi. de cualquier manera, no importa.
"Sometimes. Don't look at me like that." "Like what?" "You've got this look on your face that says you think I'm delusional, but you're too nice to say anything."
"algunas veces. No me mires asi." "asi como?" "tienes esa mirada en tu cara que dice que crees deliro, pero eres demasiado amable para decirlo."
Being helpless like that… it's the worst thing in the world."
Estar asi de indefenso… es la peor cosa en el mundo.
“Should have run the whole conference like this,” he observed.
—Toda la conferencia tenía que haber sido asi —observó—.
There are some like that,” Hendley allowed. “Oh, did you see this?”
Algunos son asi’, concedió Hendley. “Ah, sí, ¿viste esto?”
He had never seen an adult cry like this before.
Nunca había visto a un adulto llorar asi.
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