Traduzione per "interrupted by war" a spagnolo
Interrupted by war
Esempi di traduzione.
31. The three reports submitted to the Commission by the Special Rapporteur, which had formed the basis of the draft resolution, did not reflect the progress made in various areas of civil and political rights or in the transition to democracy which had been interrupted by war in the eastern part of the country and which was to have culminated in a general election in May 1997.
31. Los tres informes sometidos a la Comisión por el Relator Especial, que han servido de base para el proyecto de resolución, no reflejan los progresos logrados en diversas esferas de los derechos civiles y políticos o en la transición a la democracia, interrumpida por la guerra en la parte oriental del país, que tendría que haber culminado en unas elecciones generales en mayo de 1997.
Trading relationships that had been interrupted by war were revitalized.
Se reavivaron las relaciones comerciales que habían quedado interrumpidas con la guerra.
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