Traduzione per "instructs him" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Did you instruct him to hire a model for the photo shoot?
Lo instruyó ud para alquilar una modelo para la sesión de fotos?
Get yourself fed,’ she instructed him. ‘Then you and I have an appointment.’
Come —lo instruyó—. Y luego tú y yo tenemos una reunión.
Earlier I was working on an order to Marshal Davout... it instruct him to march across Sweden to cover the left flank of our approach to Russia.
Hace poco estaba trabajando en una orden para el Mariscal Davout... le instruye marchar a traves de Suecia... para cubrir el flanco izquierdo de nuestro acercamiento a Rusia.
And shut the door on your way out,’ Kennit further instructed him.
Y cierra la puerta al salir —le instruyó finalmente Kennit.
“Time your breathing,” the desiccant and truly old former Jesuit instructs him.
—Coordina tu respiración —le instruye el reseco y ciertamente viejo ex jesuita.
In the meantime, prepare, so you will be ready when that day comes,” his Indian grandmother instructed him.
Entretanto, prepárate para que estés listo cuando llegue ese día -le instruyó la india.
The alien had instructed him not to diverge from his identity as Ramón Espejo, and he had followed that order.
El alienígena le instruyó que no divergiera de su identidad como Ramón Espejo, y él obedeció.
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