Traduzione per "insect has" a spagnolo
Insect has
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If an insect has lime on its legs, then it is definitely Chu Wang Lee.
Si un insecto tiene cal en sus piernas Debe Fatboy
Several red flowers grow here, and the butterfly, unusually among insects, has a particular liking for that colour, which elsewhere seems almost the prerogative of birds.
Varias flores rojas crecen aquí, y las mariposas, contrariamente a otros insectos, tiene una preferencia particular por ese color, que en cualquier otra parte seria exclusivo de las aves.
If this insect has any foreign blood cells, we may be able to extract them, and obtain paleo-DNA, the DNA of an extinct creature.
–Si este insecto tiene células sanguíneas no pertenecientes a él, puede que consigamos extraerlas y obtener paleo ADN, el ADN de un ser extinguido.
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