Traduzione per "incumbents" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Level of Incumbent
del titular
Incumbent retired.
El titular se jubiló.
Incumbent Promoted?
el titular?
Hi, Eleanor Grant, gubernatorial incumbent.
eleanor Grant, gobernadora titular.
- Of former incumbents.
- De titulares anteriores
I have two incumbents name of Brown.
Tengo dos titulares llamados Brown.
The tie goes to the incumbent.
- Con el empate gana el titular del cargo.
Meanwhile our incumbent mayor,
Mientras tanto nuestro alcalde titular,
Our first question will go to the incumbent.
Nuestra primera pregunta irá al titular.
- Democratic incumbent Nicholas...
el demócrata titular del cargo, Nicholas...
- Who's this? - Uh, Dr Junju. The previous incumbent.
- El Dr. Junju, el titular anterior.
Incumbent mayor, Amanda Rosewater.
Alcaldesa titular, Amanda Rosewater.
Vinni was the incumbent, but you--
Vinni era la titular del cargo, pero tú...
"I'm the incumbent.
–Yo soy el titular.
But you cite rules for the death of the incumbent.
Pero hay ciertas normas que dan por sentado el fallecimiento del titular.
She had a slight problem with . the previous incumbent, but that was all.
Ella tenía un ligero problema con… la titular precedente, eso era todo.
The previous incumbent of the post had died during the war.
El titular anterior del cargo había muerto durante la guerra.
By Ollie here and by myself as local incumbent, which is fair and normal.
Por Oliver y por mí como titulares locales, que es lo lógico y normal.
Wallace, the incumbent vice president, and selected Senator Harry S.
Wallace, titular de la vicepresidencia, y eligió a Harry S.
His opponent in November would be the incumbent senior senator, Rory Dekker.
Su oponente en noviembre sería el senador titular, Rory Dekker.
Even the least privileged incumbents were generally well off.
Incluso los titulares menos privilegiados eran en general gente pudiente.
Basil Schramm, Medical incumbent, (né Smythe) Greengages Hotel
BASIL SCHRAMM (antes Smythe): médico titular del Hotel Greengages
These two aspects of competition policy are interrelated, since not only may governmental measures restrain competition in their own right, but they may also provide incumbent firms with the opportunity to engage in RBPs.
Estos dos aspectos de la política de la competencia están relacionados entre sí, puesto que las medidas del Gobierno no solamente pueden restringir la competencia por sí misma sino que también pueden facilitar a las empresas beneficiadas la oportunidad de aplicar prácticas comerciales restrictivas.
There's quite a nice little chapel on the edge of Monarch where they're lacking an incumbent.
A un extremo de Monarch hay una capillita muy bonita en la que se necesita un beneficiado.
When Mrs. Poulteney enounced to him her theories of the life to come, he did not argue, for incumbents of not notably fat livings do not argue with rich parishioners.
Cuando Mrs. Poulteney le enunciaba sus teorías acerca del más allá, él no replicaba, por que los beneficiados de parroquias modestas no discuten con los feligreses ricos.
His grandfather, Lord Berkeley (Jack was disgustingly well-connected, and there were lords in every direction, in his family), had two livings in his gift, whose present incumbents were very old;
Su abuelo lord Berkeley (Jack estaba muy bien relacionado y había lores en cada una de las ramas de su familia) tenía dos beneficios a su cargo, cuyos actuales beneficiados eran muy ancianos.
Morland was himself patron and incumbent, of about four hundred pounds yearly value, was to be resigned to his son as soon as he should be old enough to take it; no trifling deduction from the family income, no niggardly assignment to one of ten children. An estate of at least equal value, moreover, was assured as his future inheritance.
Morland destinaba a su hijo un curato, del cual él era el beneficiado, que reportaba unas cuatrocientas libras al año, y del que James podía tomar posesión apenas contara con la edad necesaria y la aseguraba una herencia de igual valor para el día en que faltaran sus padres.
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