Traduzione per "ill-feeling" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
There has been a certain ill-feeling between us, the cause of which I do not want to analyze.
Ha habido cierta hostilidad entre nosotros, cuya causa no deseo analizar.
The dispute caused ill-feeling between the town, which was angry at the insult, and the lands around.
La disputa generó hostilidad en la población, a la que ofendió el insulto, y en las tierras de alrededor.
So far, to be sure, there were no signs of hostility or ill-feeling among any of the five intelligent races known to inhabit the Galaxy.
Hasta el momento, no había indicios de hostilidad o de mala voluntad entre ninguna de las cinco razas inteligentes que habitaban la Galaxia.
I have never heard of, or experienced, any occasion which seemed to promise more opportunities for violence, riot, ill-feeling, and which in the event caused so little.
No he conocido nunca, ni siquiera de oídas, una situación con tantas oportunidades de violencia, tumultos y hostilidad que no llegaron a manifestarse.
Whether Caesar's refusal was driven by his arrogance, or his belief that, thanks to his restoration of the peace and raft of new reforms, no ill feeling against him remained, she did not know.
No sabía si la negativa de César se debía a su arrogancia o a su creencia en que gracias a que había restaurado la paz e introducido un gran número de reformas ya no había hostilidad hacia él.
Frustration was running high and there was a certain amount of ill-feeling towards Wilkie Twycross and his three Ds, which had inspired a number of nicknames for him, the politest of which were Dog-breath and Dung-head.
Se respiraba un ambiente de frustración y una palpable hostilidad hacia Wilkie Twycross y sus tres D, lo cual había dado pie a varios apodos para el instructor;
and deep was the impression left upon that budding organism by the young man's charm and goodness and accomplishments, and his large blue eyes and beautiful nose, and his sweet mouth and fine teeth. IV King William could not away with his sister-in-law, and the Duchess fully returned his antipathy. Without considerable tact and considerable forbearance their relative positions were well calculated to cause ill-feeling;
sin olvidar sus grandes ojos azules, su preciosa nariz y su dulce boca y bonitos dientes. IV El rey Guillermo sentía gran antipatía por su cuñada, sentimiento que era correspondido por la duquesa. Hubiera sido necesario mucho tacto y mucha paciencia por parte de los dos para evitar roces y hostilidades;
Such a report was more than sufficient provocation to avoid the former captain altogether, but Gascoigne’s ill-feeling was of the kind that needed private affirmation, rather than public display: he gained a real pleasure in befriending a man whom he privately had cause to despise, for he liked very much the feeling that his regard for others was a private font, a well, that he could muddy, or drink from, at his own discreet pleasure, and on his own time.
Semejante relato era una incitación más que sobrada para evitar por completo al antiguo capitán, pero la hostilidad que abrigaba Gascoigne era del tipo que necesita afirmarse en su interior más que desplegarse en público: le producía auténtico placer hacerse amigo de un hombre al que en su fuero interno tenía motivos para despreciar, pues le encantaba sentir que su respeto a los otros era una fuente íntima, un pozo que podía embarrar o del que podía beber a discreción y cuando se le antojase.
Is that your ill-feeling again?
—¿Otra vez ese rencor tuyo?
But he harboured no ill feeling for Tommasino.
Pero no guardó rencor a Tommasino.
She had no ill feelings toward Mrs. Thoms.
No le guardaba rencor a la señora Thoms.
In the latter case, she would harbour no ill feelings against me;
En el segundo caso, no me guardaría rencor;
Still, Annabelle held no ill feelings toward her ex.
De todos modos, Annabelle no guardaba rencor a su ex.
Eventually, simmering ill-feeling over these issues burst into the open.
Al final, los rencores que fermentaron de estas cuestiones saltaron a la palestra.
As for George and myself, it would be good to have less ill feeling so close at hand;
Con respecto a George y a mí mismo sería grato calmar los rencores que nos dividen;
During the meal they avoid talk of the ill-feeling that has stifled their marriage for months.
Durante la cena evitan hablar del rencor que desde hace meses ha asfixiado su matrimonio.
His mother was worn out by work and ill-feeling before she was thirty.
El rencor y la fatiga habían consumido a su madre, muerta antes de cumplir los treinta años.
What’s past is past, though I think of you often and bear you no ill feeling.
Lo pasado, pasado, aunque a menudo pienso en ti y no te guardo rencor.
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