Traduzione per "i watch him" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
The boy watches the grass, and I watch him.
Mira el césped y yo lo miro a él.
I watch him as he makes his way inside our house.
Lo miro mientras se abre paso hacia el interior de nuestra casa.
I watch him and listen to him breathe in and out, in and out, staring at the ceiling.
Yo lo miro y lo escucho respirar, coge aire y lo suelta, coge aire y lo suelta mirando el techo.
I watch him, thinking that, if I stare hard enough, my childhood will rise to meet him.
Lo observo y pienso que, si lo miro con suficiente intensidad, mi infancia aflorará para encontrarse con él.
“Goodbye, Armand.” “Goodbye,” the rider grunted. I didn’t close the door immediately. I watched him ride away.
– Hasta la vista, Armand. – Hasta la vista -refunfuña el amo. No cierro la puerta en seguida. Lo miro alejarse.
His easy joy is contagious, and I feel myself still grinning as I watch him retreat through the gates.
Su alegría natural es contagiosa y noto que yo también estoy sonriendo mientras lo miro retroceder hacia las puertas.
I watched him for a moment.
Lo observé un momento.
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