Traduzione per "i had answered" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
I said no, before I knew I had answered at all.
Le dije que no incluso antes de advertir que ya le había respondido.
And I had answered from that hot grimy flaking dressing room at the Belasco.
Y yo le había respondido desde ese camerino sofocante, mugriento y deteriorado del Belasco.
I had answered all his messengers begging that he be allowed to come to Troy with firm negatives.
Yo había respondido con firmes negativas a todos los mensajeros que me había enviado con el ruego de que le permitiera venir a Troya.
I found myself regretting every time I had answered him back, been impudent, called him names.
Me encontré lamentando cada vez que le había respondido mal, había sido desvergonzada, le había llamado cosas feas.
I had answered her letter by a brief note, friendly but calm, in which no mention of continued correspondence or further visits was made.
Había respondido a su carta con una breve nota, cordial, pero tranquila, en la que no mencionaba la posibilidad de una correspondencia continuada ni de nuevas visitas.
I nodded, drew a breath, and told my uncle word for word what the king had said to me in the silence and privacy of his bed, what I had answered, and how he had wept and slept.
Asentí, respiré profundamente y le dije a mi tío lo que el rey me había contado en la intimidad de su lecho, palabra por palabra, lo que yo había respondido y cómo había llorado y dormido.
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