Traduzione per "hydronephrosis" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Hydronephrosis, nephrolithiasis and renal colic.
Hidronefrosis, nefrolitiasis y cólico renal.
It'll cause hydronephrosis, and he'll come back.
Provocará una hidronefrosis y volverá.
Give him 60 of ketorolac IM and a bedside ultrasound to rule out hydronephrosis.
Sesenta de ceterolac y una ecografía para descartar hidronefrosis.
Stop making dumb jokes. And it is a secret because Jordan had pre-natal surgery for hydronephrosis, and we want to make sure everything's okay with the kid before we start spreading the word.
No hagas más chistes bobos y es un secreto porque Jordan tuvo cirugía pre-natal por una hidronefrosis.
The renal ultrasound shows the hydronephrosis, but no reflux or stone.
El ecografía renal muestra la hidronefrosis, pero sin reflujo o piedra.
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