Traduzione per "houses of stone" a spagnolo
Houses of stone
Esempi di traduzione.
Great Zimbabwe means "houses of stone".
Gran Zimbabue significa "casas de piedra".
And now the parents wish suddenly to return to houses of stone.
Y ahora, repentinamente, los padres quieren regresar a sus casas de piedra.
They could draw houses of stone up from nothing.
Podían levantar casas de piedra de la nada.
Old neighborhoods of cobbled houses and stone streets passed us, going the other way.
Nos pasaron en dirección contraria viejos barrios de casas de piedras y calles empedradas.
“I want this,” he said. “I want to learn as much as I can about these people. Houses of stone!
—Quiero hacerlo —dijo—. Quiero aprender tanto como pueda de este pueblo. ¡Casas de piedra!
Just over halfway up, we reached the Human settlement with its houses of stone and wood and thatch.
Justo a mitad de la escalada nos topamos con el asentamiento humano, con sus casas de piedra, madera y paja.
That is why we do not build houses from stone, because we would feel hemmed in by the walls around us.
Tan importante, que no construimos casas de piedra, porque sentir los muros alrededor nos ahoga.
Our lords live in great houses of stone and have a thousand servants to indulge their every whim.
Nuestros señores viven en grandes casas de piedra y poseen mil sirvientes que cumplen sus más mínimos deseos.
And in that city are endless houses of stone, stone towers without numbers, streets paved with stone, domes, archways, stairs.
Y en esa ciudad hay innumerables casas de piedra, incontables torres de piedra, calles pavimentadas con piedras, cúpulas, arcos, escaleras.
It will be a little village hugging a rocky shore, a sandy cove between mountains, a few houses of stone behind a high sea wall.
Será un pueblecito con una playa rocosa, una bahía arenosa entre montañas, y unas cuantas casas de piedra tras un alto malecón.
Pink and white houses of stone fast asleep in the afternoon sun with their shutters folded over and towels on balconies and water sprinklers wetting lawns.
Casas de piedra rosa y blanca, profundamente dormidas bajo el sol de la tarde, con las persianas bajadas y toallas en los balcones y mangueras regando el césped.
and the N?men?reans built there a great bridge, upon which there were towers and houses of stone wonderful to behold, and tall ships came up out of the sea to the quays of the city.
y los Númenóreanos levantaron allí un gran puente sobre el que había torres y casas de piedra de admirable aspecto, y altas naves venían del mar a los muelles de la ciudad.
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