Traduzione per "hoped were" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
There was a smell of decay here, and she saw what she hoped were small cats moving quickly about further along the alley.
Allí había olor a descomposición y vio lo que esperaba que fueran pequeños gatos moviéndose con rapidez.
And lots of other things, which Victor had to hope were trolls dressed up, because if they weren’t, everyone was going to be in a lot of trouble.
Y muchas otras cosas que Victor esperaba que fueran trolls disfrazados, porque, si no lo eran, los clientes del restaurante estarían pronto en apuros.
"Those two belong to me," I said, making what I hoped were appropriate hand signals, so my werewolf would get the idea.
—Esos dos me pertenecen —dije, haciendo lo que esperaba que fueran signos adecuados con las manos, para que mi hombre lobo se hiciera a la idea—.
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