Traduzione per "him regain" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
After the escape, after they get back to Saigon, Rock Hudson says goodbye to the girl who helped him regain his courage, says goodbye to the material world, and goes off to a monastery.
Después de huir, cuando vuelven de nuevo a Saigón Rock Hudson se despide de la chica que lo ayudó a recuperar su valor se despide del mundo material y se va a un monasterio.
It should help him regain consciousness.
Lo ayudará a recuperar la conciencia.
They will help him regain his position as head chief.
Le ayudarán a recuperar su puesto de gran jefe.
You must help him regain his memory.
Usted debe ayudarle a recuperar su memoria.
If he wants me to help him regain the title of king, then so be it.
Si quiere que lo ayude a recuperar el título de rey, entonces que así sea.
Who cared enough about a lost vampire to help him regain his faith.
Uno que se preocupó lo suficiente por un vampiro para ayudarle a recuperar su fe.
Help him regain his pride, his honour.
Ayúdele a recuperar su orgullo, su honor.
He'll get physical and occupational therapy to help him regain some function, find some new ways...
Tendrá fisioterapia y terapia ocupacional para ayudarlo a recuperar algunas funciones, encontrar nuevas maneras...
Well, sweetheart, I'm helping him regain his self-respect.
Bueno, cariño, estoy ayudando a recuperar su autoestima.
Did the torivor know techniques that could help him regain his lost ability?
¿Conocería alguna técnica que le pudiera ayudar a recuperar su poder?
the second Bothan berated him, grabbing Corran’s arm to help him regain his balance.
lo amonestó el segundo bothano, tomando el brazo de Corran para ayudarlo a recuperar el equilibrio.
Our cousin dy Palliar thought a little light riding would help him regain his condition.
Nuestro primo de Palliar pensó que un viajecito ligero le ayudaría a recuperar la forma.
Apparently reading the Book of Job had played a major role in helping him regain his perspective.
Aparentemente, haber leído el libro de Job fue muy importante para ayudarlo a recuperar la perspectiva.
She kept Jamie in bed for four more days, feeding him, changing his bandages and helping him regain his strength.
Mantuvo a Jamie en la cama durante cuatro días más, alimentándole, cambiándole los vendajes y ayudándole a recuperar las fuerzas.
Soon after Dakova's near defeat, Kariko arrived and gave Dakova several slaves to help him regain his strength.
Poco después de la pelea que Dakova estuvo a punto de perder, Kariko llegó y le proporcionó varios esclavos para ayudarle a recuperar las fuerzas.
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