Traduzione per "highest reward" a spagnolo
Highest reward
Esempi di traduzione.
Your progress is his highest reward.
El progreso suyo es su mayor recompensa.
And for Agrippa, the highest reward was to be Octavian's best friend, the one in whom he confided.
Y para Agripa, la mayor recompensa era ser el mejor amigo de Octaviano, aquel en quien éste confiaba.
The work itself, the pleasure of finding a field for my peculiar powers, is my highest reward.
Mi mayor recompensa está en el trabajo mismo, en el placer de encontrar dónde ejercitar mis especiales facultades.
It is the highest reward when a writer hears that a book, written in doubt and solitude, has reached a human heart with a deeper meaning than even the writer had been aware of, as she wrote. It is the something extra, the unexpected return.
La mayor recompensa para un autor es saber que un libro escrito en duda y soledad, ha llegado al corazón humano con un significado todavía más hondo que el que el escritor había tratado de infundirle al escribirlo.
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