Traduzione per "high in fats" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
The bratwurst was now bouncing and hissing in the pan, the gas was too high, the fat was burning, the sausage charring, but Martin wasn’t paying any attention.
La salchicha saltaba y crepitaba ahora en la sartén, el fuego estaba muy alto, la grasa se quemaba, la salchicha se carbonizaba, pero Martin no prestaba atención a eso.
High in protein. high in fat.
Alta en proteína, alta en grasas.
It's very interesting, cake is usually very high in fat.
Es interesante. Normalmente la tarta es muy alta en grasa.
Lettuce is actually very high in fat, yes.
La lechuga es, en realidad, muy alta en grasa.
- Sorry, sir. We only serve starchy, sugary, salty food... high in fat and cholesterol that tastes delicious.
Sólo servimos comida almidonada, azucarada, salada... alta en grasas y colesterol que sabe deliciosa.
High visceral fat, which is stored inside the abdomen and around major organs, poses a significant health risk to humans and is closely associated with decreased insulin sensitivity, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and atherosclerosis.
Una cantidad alta de grasa visceral, que se almacena en el abdomen y en torno a los órganos principales, supone un considerable riesgo para la salud en el ser humano y se asocia estrechamente a la disminución de la sensibilidad a la insulina, obesidad, diabetes de tipo 2 y aterosclerosis.
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