Traduzione per "hexahedron" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
“The hexahedron or sum of six perfections, of six equilateral triangles”—Cemí took up the numerical chant—”when inscribed in a circle.
—El hexaedro o suma de seis perfecciones, de seis triángulos equiláteros —retomó el canto numeral Cemí—, cuando está inscrito en un círculo.
Hexahedrons upbearing colonnades fitted harmoniously into each other, around a central tower made of arches and spirals, crowned by a three-dimensional golden sunburst.
Hexaedros cubiertos de columnatas se adaptaban armoniosamente unos a otros, alrededor de una torre central hecha de arcos y espirales, coronada por un resplandor de sol tridimensional.
So that there were einkanters with single facets, and dreikanters with three facets — fierkanters, funfkanters — all the way up to nearly perfect hexahedrons, octahedrons, dodecahedrons. Ventifacts.
Había einkanters, de una sola faceta, y dreikanters, de tres facetas —fierkanters, funfkanters...—, toda la gama, hasta llegar a casi perfectos hexaedros, octaedros, dodecaedros. Ventifacts.
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