Traduzione per "her tell" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Well, if you let her tell it, her daughter's been nothing but trouble ever since she was born.
Bueno, como ella dice su hija ha sido nada más que problemas desde que nació.
Or in case that made her tell him the truth.
O para no forzarla a decirle la verdad.
“I must reassure her, tell her there is hope!”
¡Tengo que darle ánimos, decirle que hay esperanza!
Reassure her, tell her that everything’s going well.
Tranquilizarla, decirle que todo va bien.
But it would be rude, I decided, not to let her tell me.
Pero decidí que sería una grosería decirle que no me lo contara.
I want to yell after her, tell her to wait.
Quiero gritarle, decirle que espere.
Then Chris would have to rescue her, tell them who she was.
En ese caso Chris tendría que rescatarla, decirles quién era.
He could talk to her, tell her he’s fallen in love with someone else.
Podría hablarle, decirle que se ha enamorado de otra.
I think they tried to make her tell where she kept the money.
Supongo que la obligarían a decirles dónde tenía el dinero.
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