Traduzione per "have seem" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Since this morning you have seemed angry.
Pero desde esta mañana parece enojada.
Pray forgive my simile, if I have seemed to use it unfairly.
Os ruego, señor, que me perdonéis la comparación si os parece que la he utilizado de forma injusta.
None of the suits that have come in here to interview me have seemed to care that somebody might be trying to kill us.
Ninguno de los burócratas que me han interrogado parece preocupado por el hecho de que alguien ha intentado asesinarnos.
I fear I may have seemed overconfident at our last meeting, raised your hopes.
Siento decirle que parece que en nuestro último encuentro pequé de un exceso de confianza y le di esperanzas infundadas.
If the shade of beige had not been bright and cheerful, the design might have seemed a trifle archaic. “How about something along these lines?
Si no fuera por su color beige, el diseño produciría una impresión de antigualla. —A ver, ¿qué te parece?
“But am I right? Wendy Mellons does not seem like the type with impeccable principles. So a simple bribe would not have seemed far-fetched at all.”
—Eso fue, ¿cierto? Wendy Mellons no es persona a la que le tiemble la mano, fa idea de sobornarla no parece descabellada…
I have seemed to hate with an undying hatred all that you profess, and I still continue to hate those who arrogate to themselves the name of Christians;
Parece que he odiado, con un aborrecimiento que puede ser expiado, todo lo que tú profesabas, y no puedo menos de odiar a todos aquellos que se declaran cristianos;
She would not have come at all but for the fact that she had once or twice been asked if the child was growing pretty, and it would have seemed absurd to admit that she never saw her at all. “I think she’s rather pretty,” she said downstairs.
No habría subido por nada del mundo, pero le habían preguntado un par de veces si la niña era guapa y habría sido absurdo confesar que nunca la veía. —Me parece que es bastante mona —decía en la habitación de abajo—.
Then, and only then, are you drawn to wonder whether your Whitby won—and who this other Whitby might have been, who in death would have seemed preternaturally calm, face smooth and unwrinkled, eyes wide and staring, only the angle of the body suggesting that some violence has been perpetrated upon it.
Solo entonces tú te preguntas si el Whitby vencedor es el tuyo, y quién puede ser el otro, que una vez muerto parece estar sumido en una paz tan sobrenatural, con el rostro sin arrugas ni marcas y los ojos abiertos. Solo la postura del cuerpo indica la violencia sufrida.
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