Traduzione per "great gate" a spagnolo
Great gate
Esempi di traduzione.
This is the great gate of Akbar's city at Fatehpur Sikri.
Ésta es la gran puerta de la ciudad de Akbar en Fatehpur Sikri.
And down below, the restored Great Gate swung open and King Aragorn officially took possession of his capital city.
Y abajo, la Gran Puerta restaurada se abrió y el rey Aragorn tomó posesión oficialmente de su ciudad capital.
The drawbridge was down. The great gate stood wide.
El puente levadizo estaba bajado, la gran puerta abierta.
Why? Because it was a Great Gate?
¿Por qué? ¿Porque era una Gran Puerta?
The Great Gate was made.
La Gran Puerta estaba abierta.
Botched a Great Gate.
Y la había cagado con una Gran Puerta.
Ahead lay the great gate.
Ante ellos se encontraba la gran puerta.
You were there with him at the Great Gate.
Estabas con él cuando cruzó la Gran Puerta.
He has made a Great Gate.
Ha creado una Gran Puerta.
Yes, he made a Great Gate.
—Sí, ha creado una Gran Puerta.
As far as I’m concerned, there’s no Great Gate for you.
No hay Gran Puerta para vosotros.
“You have passed through a Great Gate.”
Has cruzado una Gran Puerta.
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