Traduzione per "got me out" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
You got me out of that.
me sacaste de eso.
Got me out here in the snow for?
¿Para eso me sacaste a la nieve?
Is that why you got me out?
–¿Para esto me sacaste de allí?
“But you got me out,” Lotta said.
—Pero tú me sacaste de allí —dijo Lotta.
You got me out of there when they would’ve killed me.
Me sacaste de allí. Sin ti me hubieran matado.
You got me out of bed to tell me something.
Me sacaste de la cama para decirme algo;
"He left you to suffocate." "Maybe. You got me out."
—Te dejó allí para que te asfixiaras. —Puede. Tú me sacaste.
You got me out of that hole, wrested me from Mr Fulko’s talons.
me sacaste de la trena, me arrancaste de las zarpas de Fulko.
This can't have anything to do with the scrape you got me out of last year, can it?
Esto no tendrá nada que ver con el enredo del que me sacaste el año pasado, ¿verdad?
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